Tag Archives: managed services provider

Why a Quarterly Business Review is important

Why a Quarterly Business Review is important

In our rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires constant adaptation and optimisation. As a business owner, you need to regularly assess your operations, identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to drive growth. This is where a QBR (Quarterly Business Review) from an MSP (Managed Service Provider) comes into play

What is a QBR?

A QBR is a comprehensive review conducted by an MSP, usually every quarter, to evaluate the performance, progress and alignment of your business objectives with the implemented IT strategies. It goes beyond simply analysing data and metrics; it is an opportunity to discuss challenges, uncover opportunities and strengthen the relationship between you and your MSP. Smaller businesses may only receive a QBR once or twice a year but ask your MSP what their processes are around this.

A QBR is not just a mundane business review; it holds significant emotional weight. It evokes feelings of security, reassurance and confidence in the path your business is taking. Knowing that experts are analysing your performance, identifying areas of improvement and providing guidance instils a sense of trust and peace of mind.

The QBR experience is an opportunity to have open, honest conversations about challenges, fears and aspirations. It allows you to express your concerns and receive personalised recommendations tailored to your specific circumstances. The empathetic approach of the MSP, coupled with active listening and understanding, creates an emotional connection that transcends the usual business-client relationship.

Components of a QBR

  • Infrastructure Assessment: The MSP assesses the client’s network, hardware, software and other technology infrastructure components. This evaluation helps identify any potential vulnerabilities, outdated systems or areas that require optimisation.
  • Performance Analysis: The MSP reviews the client’s technology performance metrics, such as network uptime, response times and system utilisation. This analysis helps identify bottlenecks, areas of improvement or potential risks.
  • Security Evaluation: The MSP examines the client’s security posture, including Cyber Security measures, data protection practices and compliance adherence. This assessment helps identify any vulnerabilities or areas where security can be enhanced.
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) Review: The MSP reviews the SLA with the client, ensuring that the agreed-upon service levels are being met. This includes evaluating response times, issue resolution and overall customer satisfaction.
  • Future Planning and Recommendations: Based on the assessment findings, the MSP provides recommendations and strategic guidance to the client. This may include suggestions for technology upgrades, process improvements, security enhancements or cost optimisation measures.

The Importance of a QBR from an MSP

A QBR from an MSP holds significant importance for businesses of all sizes. Let’s delve into some key reasons why a QBR is crucial:

Gaining a Holistic View of Your Business

A quarterly business review provides you with a comprehensive overview of your company’s performance during a specific period. It does this by analysing various aspects, including financial performance, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and employee productivity. By assessing these critical areas, you can identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. It allows you to identify what areas of your business are excelling and which ones require attention. By recognising your strengths, you can leverage them to gain a competitive advantage. Additionally, addressing weaknesses helps you minimise risks and enhance overall performance.

Uncovering Growth Opportunities

Through a QBR, an MSP can identify untapped growth opportunities that may have gone unnoticed. Analysing market trends, customer feedback and industry benchmarks can provide valuable insights into new markets, product enhancements and innovative strategies to drive business growth.

Enhancing Collaboration and Alignment

A QBR fosters collaboration and alignment within your organisation. By involving key stakeholders, such as department heads and senior management, in the review process, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding goals, challenges and strategies. This collaborative approach promotes a unified vision and encourages teamwork.

Optimising Operational Efficiency

Identifying inefficiencies in your operations is vital for streamlining processes and maximising productivity. An MSP conducting a QBR can analyse your workflows, technology infrastructure and resource allocation to pinpoint areas where improvements can be made. By optimising operational efficiency, you can reduce costs, enhance customer service and achieve better overall performance.

Strengthening IT Infrastructure

A robust IT infrastructure is essential for business success in today’s digital age. A QBR from an MSP can evaluate your current IT systems, Cyber Security measures and data management practices. They can identify vulnerabilities and recommend solutions to enhance your IT infrastructure’s reliability, security and scalability.

Strategic Planning and Risk Mitigation

A QBR enables you to develop effective strategic plans and mitigate potential risks. By examining market trends, competitive landscape and emerging technologies, an MSP can help you formulate strategies that align with your business goals. Additionally, they can identify risks and provide proactive measures to minimise their impact.

Strengthens the Relationship with your MSP

A QBR serves as a bridge between you and your MSP. It fosters open communication, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of your unique business needs. This strengthened partnership allows the MSP to provide tailored solutions and support, ensuring your business thrives. When your MSP invests time and effort in conducting a QBR, it also demonstrates its commitment to your success. The personalised attention, proactive approach and customised recommendations leave you feeling valued and supported, leading to higher client satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

Learning your Business’ Technology Score

When an MSP completes a QBR for your business, oftentimes, you will receive a technology score. The concept of a technology score can vary depending on the specific MSP or service provider you are working with. It is not a universally standardised metric, but rather a subjective evaluation conducted by the MSP based on various factors related to your business’s technology infrastructure and performance.

The technology score typically reflects the MSP’s assessment of your business’s overall technology health, efficiency and alignment with industry best practices. It may consider factors such as:

  • Infrastructure: The MSP evaluates the robustness and scalability of your network, servers, storage and other hardware components. They assess whether your infrastructure meets the requirements of your business operations and future growth.
  • Security: The MSP examines your Cyber Security measures, including firewalls, antivirus software, data encryption, access controls and employee training. They look for potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your security posture.
  • Software and Applications: The MSP reviews the software and applications you use, assessing their relevance, performance and integration capabilities. They may consider factors such as licencing compliance, software updates and utilisation efficiency.
  • Performance and Reliability: The MSP evaluates the performance and reliability of your technology systems, including network uptime, response times and system availability. They may analyse historical data and metrics to identify areas for improvement.
  • IT Governance and Processes: The MSP assesses your IT governance structure, policies and processes. This includes evaluating IT documentation, change management practices, backup and disaster recovery plans, and adherence to industry standards.

Based on these factors, the MSP assigns a technology score to provide you with an indication of how well your business’s technology environment is performing and where improvements can be made. The score may be presented as a numerical value, a rating scale or a qualitative assessment, depending on the MSP’s methodology.

A QBR from an MSP is a critical component for achieving business success. It provides a holistic view of your organisation, uncovers growth opportunities, enhances collaboration, optimises operational efficiency, strengthens IT infrastructure and facilitates strategic planning and risk mitigation. By regularly conducting QBRs, you can stay ahead of the competition, adapt to market changes and drive growth. Remember to involve key stakeholders, seek a reliable MSP and embrace the insights and recommendations provided through the QBR process.

It’s important to note that each MSP may have its own methodology for calculating the technology score, so the specific details may vary. It’s best to consult with your MSP directly to understand how they determine and interpret the technology score for your business.

FAQs about QBRs

  • What is the purpose of a QBR?

A QBR aims to evaluate your business performance, identify improvement areas and develop growth strategies. It provides a comprehensive analysis of your operations and fosters collaboration within your organisation.

  • How often should QBRs be conducted?

Quarterly QBRs are typically recommended, as they provide a balanced frequency for evaluation and allow for timely adjustments. However, the frequency can be adjusted based on your business needs and industry dynamics.

  • Who should be involved in the QBR process?

A QBR should involve key stakeholders from different departments within your organisation. This includes senior management, department heads and individuals responsible for key areas such as finance, operations, marketing, HR and IT. By involving a diverse range of perspectives, you can ensure comprehensive insights and foster collaboration.

  • How long does a QBR typically take?

The duration of a QBR can vary depending on the size and complexity of your business. Generally, it can range from a few hours to a full day. It is important to allocate sufficient time to thoroughly discuss each aspect of the review and develop actionable plans.

  • What outcomes can I expect from a QBR?

A QBR can deliver several valuable outcomes for your business. These include a clear understanding of your business performance, identified growth opportunities, actionable recommendations for improvement, enhanced collaboration and aligned strategic plans. It also provides an opportunity to address any concerns or challenges faced by your organisation.

Will my IT provider be held accountable if something goes wrong with my IT systems?

Will my IT provider be held accountable if something goes wrong with my IT systems?

As a business owner, it’s natural to worry about the accountability of your IT service provider if something goes wrong with your IT systems. After all, your IT infrastructure is crucial to the success of your business and any downtime or data loss can be catastrophic.

You probably have enough worry about the risks your company faces as it is, you don’t then want the added stress of thinking about the risks your managed service provider (MSP) faces. Knowing where the responsibility falls when you become a victim of a ransomware attack or other type of Cyber Security incident can be confusing.

Understanding MSPs

Managed Service Providers are external entities that specialise in providing IT services and support to organisations. Their primary goal is to ensure the smooth operation and security of a company’s IT systems. MSPs work on a subscription or contract basis, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet specific business needs.

MSPs play a crucial role in enhancing an organisation’s IT capabilities. By using their expertise and resources, businesses can offload certain IT functions to MSPs, allowing them to then focus on core business objectives. MSPs provide proactive monitoring, rapid issue resolution and strategic guidance, ensuring that IT systems align with business goals.

While MSPs offer valuable services and support, it is important to recognise that despite their expertise, MSPs cannot shoulder full accountability for your IT systems.

Limitations of MSPs in Taking Full Accountability

While MSPs offer valuable services, there are inherent limitations that prevent them from assuming full accountability for your IT systems. Understanding these limitations is vital for maintaining a realistic perspective and ensuring effective collaboration. Let’s explore some of the key reasons why MSPs cannot take complete responsibility.

Shared Responsibility Model

When engaging with an MSP, it is essential to establish a shared responsibility model. This model defines the division of responsibilities between the business and the MSP. While MSPs take charge of certain aspects like infrastructure management and proactive monitoring for reliability, businesses retain ownership of critical decisions, application management and user access controls. Therefore, the accountability for configuring and maintaining specific applications or ensuring user compliance remains with the organisation.

Limited Control over Infrastructure

Although MSPs play a crucial role in managing IT infrastructure, they often operate within the confines of the systems and technologies already in place. They may have limited control over the underlying infrastructure, which can impact their ability to implement certain changes or optimisations. Critical decisions regarding hardware upgrades, network architecture or data centre infrastructure typically require coordination and approval from the organisation’s management.

MSPs have their own tech stacks and baseline software and hardware that they require their clients to adopt. This is for several reasons; the MSP is familiar with running the infrastructure and can ensure it is working as it should, and these are the best recommendations the MSP can give their clients that will actively protect them or suit their budget. For example, while Cisco is a fantastic piece of software, it is also incredibly expensive. We have found that Sophos is also incredibly effective but at a much cheaper price point, so that’s what we implement within our clients’ businesses. If you don’t want to implement these, we usually won’t take you on as a client, but some MSPs will still work with you, and if you’ve ignored their recommendations, that’s on your business.

Cyber Security

Risk is an unavoidable factor that comes with running a business, but there are ways to mitigate these risks, hence why you work with an MSP in the first place. Another way to do this is to implement effective Cyber Security practices to protect yourself from the majority of cyberattacks. If your business refuses to implement these, the MSP will continue to pressure you to pursue these methods which can cause tension within the relationship. Your business should be implementing the recommendations of the MSP as if you did your research and are working with a reputable provider, they will have your best interests at heart rather than just pushing processes on you to make you spend money. Not only that but if you don’t implement effective Cyber Security strategies, you either won’t be eligible for Cyber Insurance or your current insurer won’t pay up.

When it comes to risks, failure often leads to blame. With Cyber Security though, there’s no question of if you will be hit by an attack, but when, as the majority of the time, breaches occur due to human error within your business, so your business can’t then blame the MSP. Employees should be paying close attention to what is happening on their devices and follow best practices. What the MSP should be doing is proactively monitoring your systems to then isolate the breach when it occurs and fix issues as soon as they happen. If they fail to do this, then you can hold them accountable until they fix the issue.

You should also be monitoring that your MSP is being diligent in reducing the liabilities within your business as well as their own if your business becomes exposed to an attack. MSPs should have strict internal Cyber Security policies and should demand the same from your business as a breach on your end can impact them.

MSPs cannot guarantee that nothing will go wrong with your IT systems. What an MSP does is implement mitigation measures to protect your business against the vast majority of risks out there and ensure that if something does occur, you can get operations back up and running. In that sense, there is no full accountability, other than a determination to fix issues at their root to mitigate threats in the future.

Choose a Reputable MSP

Businesses need to choose their managed service provider wisely and do some research about the provider to see if they are right for them. It’s crucial to understand your IT service provider’s track record. Check their references and read reviews online to get an idea of how they have handled issues in the past. Have they responded promptly and effectively to incidents, or have they been slow to act or unresponsive? This information can give you insight into how they will handle issues with your business’s IT infrastructure.

It is the responsibility of the MSP to use a proactive management approach when protecting your business’ systems and they must be regularly assessing their security systems as well as adding new measures to reduce both parties’ liability if an attack does occur. Cybercriminals are constantly testing new methods, so MSPs should be constantly learning and improving their defences. Make sure that your IT service provider has a clear process for reporting incidents and that they provide you with regular updates on their progress in resolving them. This communication is essential to ensure that you are fully informed of any issues and that your provider is working towards a solution.

As a business, you’re aiming to work with your MSP for as long as possible and to do that, you need to create a strategic relationship. This allows them to become invested in your business which then increases their dedication to ensuring your business is protected. The MSP should clearly be outlining their expectations of you and your expectations of them so that you both know what you are each responsible for. Doing this also allows the MSP to help plan your business’ technology and help you navigate as you grow as a business. They will take your ideas, goals and concerns as a company into consideration when they recommend software and hardware.

What Can You Do Now?

To help you understand if your MSP is doing right by your business, there are several areas you can assess them on.

  • How are they taking your concerns and needs into consideration?
  • How often are they meeting with your team to discuss priority items and long-term goals?
  • Have you experienced any additional, hidden fees outside of the MSP’s fixed costs?
  • Has the MSP been working on any projects/goals they outlined with your business?
  • Is the MSP showing you the results of their plans/actions?

If you’re truly concerned about whether your MSP will look after your business, make sure you’re asking them questions when you hear of new cyberattacks happening to other businesses to see how they are protecting yours.

The managed service provider you work with is there to look after you and if you have chosen a reputable one, they will do this with your best interests in mind. Accountability for your IT systems is on you though, as if you decide not to implement any of the recommendations the MSP is providing, then they are not to blame.

While MSPs cannot assume full accountability for IT systems, their collaboration with organisations remains essential for efficient operations and robust security.

Why you should upgrade from Ad-hoc IT Support

Why you should upgrade from Ad-hoc IT Support

Running a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) comes with its own set of challenges. One crucial aspect that SMEs often overlook is the need for reliable and professional IT support. In this digital age, technology plays a vital role in driving business growth and competitiveness, however, many SMEs resort to ad-hoc IT support, which can prove to be a risky choice. If your business relies heavily on its computers, SMEs should not rely on ad-hoc IT support and instead opt for managed service providers that provide a solid foundation for their IT infrastructure.

SMEs are the backbone of many economies, including Australia’s — according to the Australian Banking Association, 98 per cent of businesses in Australia are SMEs — and they contribute to job creation and innovation. These businesses operate with limited resources and often face tight budgets, however, neglecting proper IT support can hinder their growth potential. By investing in robust IT infrastructure and support, SMEs can unlock numerous advantages and stay competitive in their respective industries.

Ad-hoc IT Support: What is it?

Ad-hoc IT support, also known as break/fix support, refers to a reactive approach to addressing IT issues as they arise. Instead of having a structured plan and proactive measures in place, SMEs opt for ad-hoc support on a case-by-case basis. While this may seem like a cost-effective solution initially, it often leads to more significant problems down the line.

Ad-hoc IT support lacks a comprehensive strategy, making it difficult to manage and anticipate potential issues. It is primarily driven by reacting to problems rather than preventing them in the first place. This reactive nature can hinder business operations and create unnecessary downtime.

The Risks of Ad-hoc IT Support for SMEs

  • Increased downtime and productivity loss: Ad-hoc IT support focuses on resolving issues as they occur, leading to longer downtime periods. SMEs heavily rely on their IT systems for daily operations and any disruption can have a significant impact on productivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Higher costs in the long run: While ad-hoc support may seem cost-effective initially, the accumulated costs of reactive fixes and emergency repairs can quickly surpass the budget. If the problem recurs, you then have to pay again which can cause conflict between you and the ad-hoc support provider. Unplanned expenses can strain the financial resources of SMEs, making it challenging to invest in long-term growth initiatives.
  • Limited expertise and knowledge: Ad-hoc IT support often involves seeking assistance from multiple sources that may not have the necessary expertise or in-depth knowledge of the specific IT needs of an SME. This lack of expertise can result in temporary fixes or patchwork solutions that do not address the underlying root causes of IT issues. It’s like putting a band-aid on a deep wound — it may temporarily stop the bleeding, but the problem persists.

The only real benefit of using ad-hoc IT services is that it can be a cost-effective option for SMEs with limited IT needs and generally less than five PCs in the business, as they only pay for the services they use. If you only ever have an issue every six months or so, then ad-hoc is the most reasonable option. If your business has up to ten computers without a server, you can maybe get away with using ad-hoc, but if you have a server for your data, then most ad-hoc services would not know how to deal with these issues. Ad-hoc is a quick-fix solution and oftentimes, their solution to viruses and corruption is to format the hard drive, which does no good if you need that data. MSPs, on the other hand, try and fix the root of the problem as, if they don’t, it’s more work for them in the long run and it affects their reputation, so they ensure issues are properly addressed.

The Benefits of Managed Service Providers for SMEs

Recognising the limitations and risks of ad-hoc IT support, SMEs can greatly benefit from investing in professional IT support services like managed service providers, or MSPs. Some of the advantages of using these services include:

  • Proactive approach to IT management: Unlike ad-hoc support, MSPs take a proactive approach to managing an SME’s IT infrastructure. They conduct regular system monitoring, identify potential vulnerabilities and implement preventive measures to minimise the risk of disruptions. By addressing issues before they escalate, SMEs can enjoy smoother operations and enhanced productivity.
  • Cost-effective solutions and scalability: MSPs offer scalable solutions tailored to the specific needs and budgets of SMEs. Instead of paying for emergency fixes and ad-hoc repairs, SMEs can opt for cost-effective service plans that provide comprehensive coverage and predictable monthly costs. This enables better financial planning and allows SMEs to allocate resources to other critical areas of their business.
  • Access to specialised expertise: Managed service providers comprise skilled technicians and engineers with diverse expertise across various IT domains. They stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements, security protocols and industry best practices. SMEs can use this specialised knowledge to implement strong security measures, optimise their IT infrastructure and explore innovative solutions that drive business growth.

Small businesses with only a few computers, but still heavily rely on them, may feel they would benefit more from using a managed service provider but may struggle to find one willing to work with them due to their size. If an MSP sees room for growth within your business and you inform them of such for the future, they may be willing to take you on.

Long-Term Partnerships with IT Service Providers

Instead of relying on ad-hoc support, SMEs should aim to establish long-term partnerships with professional IT service providers. This approach offers several advantages:

  • Tailored support for business needs: Managed service providers who understand the unique requirements of SMEs can customise their services accordingly. They collaborate closely with the SME to design an IT support plan that aligns with business goals, growth projections and budget constraints. This tailored approach ensures that the IT support provided is in line with the specific needs of the SME.
  • Continuous monitoring and proactive solutions: Long-term IT service providers take a proactive stance in managing an SME’s IT infrastructure. They constantly monitor systems, networks and applications, anticipating potential issues and resolving them before they impact the business. This proactive approach minimises downtime, maximises productivity and allows SMEs to focus on core business activities.
  • Peace of mind and focus on core business activities: By entrusting their IT support to professionals, SMEs can alleviate the burden of IT management and gain peace of mind. They can confidently rely on their MSP to handle system maintenance, upgrades, security and troubleshooting, allowing them to focus on what they do best — running their business and serving their customers. This sense of assurance frees up valuable time and resources, fostering a sense of confidence and empowerment within the SME.

Where does Ad-hoc IT support fail businesses?

Ad-hoc IT support does not continuously monitor your systems, which would enable a quick diagnosis, and offers no forecasts of potential issues and IT consultancy for your business. There are many preventative measures that MSPs put in place in your business to mitigate risks, which ad-hoc does handle, meaning the onus is on you to implement these.

When using ad-hoc services, businesses will generally have to spend more on IT infrastructure that will help sustain their systems and strengthen protection in the workplace. They will also have to look into also working with a Cyber Security specialist to determine where there are vulnerabilities in their systems, and then spend money and time on implementing these strategies.

With ad-hoc, businesses will need to evaluate the effect downtime will have on operations. Downtime can lead to security risks, loss of income, employee productivity and loss of clients/customers. This wastes your time and causes immense worry and stress for you as a business owner or decision-maker.

Ad-hoc has its place in the industry, but businesses must evaluate whether this service or an MSP would benefit the company more in the long run. If you are a growing business that relies on your computers and IT systems remaining running or you use or store lots of data, you really should be looking at using an MSP.

In today’s digital landscape, SMEs cannot afford to overlook the importance of reliable and professional IT support. While ad-hoc IT support may seem like a cost-effective solution in the short term, it carries significant risks and limitations. By investing in managed IT services, SMEs can enjoy a proactive approach to IT management, cost-effective solutions and access to specialised expertise. Building a strong IT infrastructure, coupled with long-term partnerships with IT service providers, provides SMEs with the stability, security and peace of mind necessary to thrive in the digital age.

If you’re unsure, give us a quick call here at Pronet Technology (a Melbourne-based MSP) and we can discuss your systems and what you’re looking for to determine whether we would be a good fit for each other.


  • Can ad-hoc IT support be suitable for any situation?

Ad-hoc IT support may suffice for minor, one-time issues. However, for long-term stability and growth, a managed service provider is highly recommended.

  • How can an MSP benefit SMEs financially?

Managed service providers offer cost-effective solutions, minimising downtime, preventing costly emergencies, and providing scalability that aligns with the SME’s budget.

  • What security measures should SMEs consider for their IT infrastructure?

SMEs should implement robust security measures, including firewalls, antivirus software, encryption, regular security audits and employee training on Cyber Security best practices.

  • Are long-term partnerships with IT service providers expensive?

Long-term partnerships with IT service providers are often cost-effective, offering tailored plans that align with the SME’s budget and specific needs.

  • How can IT support providers help SMEs with their future growth?

IT support providers bring specialised expertise, proactive solutions and strategic IT planning to enable SMEs to scale, innovate, and focus on their core business activities.

Clients Pronet Technology does not work with

Clients Pronet Technology does not work with

As a Managed Service Provider, MSP, it can be tempting to take on any client that comes your way. After all, you want to grow your business and expand your customer base. However, not all clients are a good fit for MSPs and vice versa, not all MSPs are good for certain businesses, so it’s important to know when to say no.

So, who are the clients that we at Pronet don’t take on board? Here are a few examples:

Non-Compliant Clients

Clients who refuse to comply with industry regulations and standards can be a major liability for MSPs. These regulations are in place to protect sensitive information and failure to comply can result in hefty fines and legal consequences. It’s important for MSPs to thoroughly vet potential clients to ensure they are compliant with all relevant regulations, which usually happens in the initial assessment stage.  

As cybercrime becomes a prevalent issue, it is incredibly important that businesses improve their systems, servers and Cyber Security processes. We now only take on clients who are willing to improve their systems and implement strategies like the Essential Eight framework to help protect themselves.

DIY Clients

Some clients may be inclined to handle IT issues themselves, using online tutorials or advice from friends. These ‘DIY clients’ can be difficult to work with as they may not be receptive to the advice or guidance of an MSP. For us, it’s important to recognise when a client is not willing to let us do our job and take on the responsibility themselves.

Budget-Constrained Clients

While it’s understandable that clients may have a limited budget, sometimes clients don’t fully comprehend the costs involved when working with an MSP, which is often cheaper than working with ad-hoc IT support. Taking on a client who cannot afford the services they require can lead to resentment and frustration on both sides, so we believe it is important to be transparent about the costs involved and set realistic expectations from the outset.

Part of this comes from us having our own tech stack that we work with and that we expect our clients to also work with, such as using Sophos MDR and UTM. We’re not an enterprise-level MSP so we don’t expect our clients to use Cisco which can be incredibly expensive, but we still require all new clients to upgrade their software and systems to our tech stack so that they are adequately protected, which may not be cheap.

Unresponsive Clients

Clients who are unresponsive or slow to respond to requests can be frustrating for MSPs. It can lead to delays in resolving issues and make it difficult to provide effective support. Through the initial assessment and proposal stage, we can recognise whether a client is unresponsive and take steps to address the issue, whether it’s through better communication, informing them of the need for using MSP services or not going forward with the relationship altogether.

Large-scale businesses

At Pronet Technology, we used to work with large-scale clients but after some time, we realised small to medium-sized businesses were being left behind and neglected as MSPs grew larger and focused primarily on their larger, more profitable clients. For that reason, we now only deal with SMEs, generally businesses with between 15 to 150 computers and have found we enjoy working with businesses of this size more than with larger businesses.

While it may be tempting to take on any client that comes your way, it’s important to recognise when a client is not a good fit for an MSP. Non-compliant clients, DIY clients, budget-constrained clients, and unresponsive clients can all be challenging to work with and may not be worth the time and effort. By being selective and choosing clients that are a good fit, MSPs can provide better service and build stronger relationships with their clients.

Businesses with limited computers

Small businesses with one to five computers, unfortunately, might struggle to find an MSP who finds it worthwhile to take you on as a client. While at Pronet Technology we’re not an enterprise-level MSP who caters to medium to large-scale businesses, we’re not one that deals with very small businesses either. Our clients are small to medium, ideally with between 15 to 150 computers.

A good MSP should not be turning every query into a client. Sometimes, an MSP might not have the right services and budgets for your business and other times, your business might not be one that the MSP finds value in taking on or one that meets its criterion. Like your business researches and gathers proposals from MSPs, likewise, an MSP will do an initial assessment of your business and work out your needs to both see if it can help you and if it can take you on.

Don’t be offended if an MSP declines your request. The majority of the time, it’s because they’re just not right for you.

How often should I back up my data?

How often should I back up my data?

As a business owner or manager, one of your most important responsibilities is protecting your data. Data loss can have a devastating impact on your business, resulting in lost productivity, lost revenue and even lost customers. That’s why backing up your data is so important; think of it like your business’ insurance policy if something goes wrong.

There are a variety of factors you need to think of when creating a backup strategy, such as who manages the backup, whether you back up all your organisation’s data or only the most important, where you store the backup, how often you back up and how you do the backups. These are all important questions to ask, but the first question to answer is why you need to back up your business’ data.

Businesses store magnitudes of data, from customer information, data, bills, bookkeeping, orders, website code and custom programming, and passwords as well as daily work like documents, presentations, spreadsheets, emails and appointments. This all needs to be protected in the event of a system failure, cyberattack or natural disaster.

If you’re unsure about what data your business should be backing up, talk to your IT service provider, otherwise, a data backup should include all data stored within your network, like databases, operating systems, applications, configurations and employee work phones.

But how often should you back up your data? The answer depends on several factors, including the size of your business, the amount of data you generate and the level of risk you are willing to tolerate.

To determine how often you should back up your data, Microsoft has listed a range of questions to ask yourself about your business:

  • How important is the data on your systems?
  • What type of information does the data contain?
  • How often does the data change?
  • How quickly do you need to recover the data?
  • Do you have the equipment to perform backups?
  • Who will be responsible for the backup and recovery plan?
  • What is the best time to schedule backups?
  • Do you need to store backups off-site?

Perhaps the most important of these questions is how often does the data change? Data creation is constant these days as businesses are either creating new content or receiving new data, through emails, consumer data, social and blog posts or documents.

As a business, there are some general guidelines you can follow when it comes to how often to back up data:

Daily Backups: At a minimum, you should back up your data daily. This ensures that you have a recent copy of your data in case of an unexpected outage or disaster. Daily backups are particularly important for businesses that generate a lot of data or rely heavily on technology. A mid-size company might benefit from performing a full backup every 24 hours with an incremental one every 6. Mid-size online retailers should increase this to every 4 hours along with producing transaction logs every hour. Enterprise retailers and large banks might increase to every 3 hours and logs every half-hour. For businesses this large, lost transactions and data are not an option and with the overload of data, a second server is often required. Backing up each day means if something goes wrong, you’re not missing anything too important as you can just go back to the previous day’s backups.

Weekly or Monthly Backups: In addition to daily backups, you may also want to perform weekly or monthly backups. These backups provide an additional layer of protection and can be particularly useful for businesses that generate a lot of data or have a lot of critical information that needs to be protected. Weekly full-scale backups might be fine for smaller organisations that then do incremental backups every day, but this probably won’t suit larger enterprises. A small business might even suit only backing up their files every few days.

Backups can be done manually or automatically. Automatically backing up your systems is an incredibly effective way to go as it saves your IT team time, especially if your IT is done in-house. These days, there are many automatic software options that your business can use if you’re managing your IT systems yourself. If you have an IT service provider, be sure to clarify with your IT service provider how often they back up your data in your pricing plan and whether they charge per GB or for more frequent backups, as well as where they’re storing these backups

Another important consideration is where you store your backups. Storing your backups on-site may provide some protection, but it leaves your data vulnerable to disasters such as fires or floods where you then lose everything. That’s why it’s important to store your backups off-site, either in the cloud or at a remote location. Only storing backups on Google Drive can also be detrimental as, while this allows for rapid backups, you might get locked out of your Google accounts.

It’s a good idea to back up to as many places as possible, like an on-premise hard drive or server, a backup software and a cloud-based backup, so that if one fails, you have others to rely on to quickly reboot your network with minimal data loss. Because while a data backup system is crucial, you also need a data recovery system when you need to use those backups.    

As you can see, the size of your business, and thereby, the amount of data you produce, play a big part in determining how often to back up your data, but one thing is certain, your business must have a backup routine in place to maintain its longevity. You never know when a hardware failure, software corruption or accidental or intentional loss of data might occur. Having the right data backup plan protects businesses and helps them avoid costly damages in the future.

Ultimately, the frequency of your backups will depend on your specific business needs and risk tolerance. Backing up your data regularly is essential for protecting your business and ensuring that you can continue to operate in the event of a disaster. Don’t wait until it’s too late — start backing up your data today.

Why changing your IT service provider is stressful

Why changing your IT service provider is stressful

For a business, IT is stressful, hence why they pawn the entirety of their systems to an IT service provider in the first place. Just the knowledge of that past stress and what changing providers could mean, even when the business is receiving fluctuating service, is enough to put most businesses off. We know as many of our new clients have told us that they wished they’d transitioned sooner (2 or 3 years). It was just the time and trouble of changing that put them off. Once you’ve chosen a new managed service provider (MSP), the actual transition is incredibly fast and seamless, usually taking a few days to a few weeks and with no downtime to your staff.

There are several reasons why companies may wait a long time before changing MSP:

  • Fear of disruption: Companies may be hesitant to switch MSPs because they fear that the transition process will be disruptive and could result in downtime or other issues. They may also be concerned about the potential for data loss or security breaches during the transition.
  • Contract obligations: Many MSP contracts have specific terms and conditions, including minimum contract lengths and penalties for early termination. Companies may be reluctant to pay these fees or may not want to risk damaging their relationship or loyalty with the current MSP.
  • Lack of alternatives: In some cases, companies may feel that they don’t have any viable alternatives to their current MSP. They may believe that no other providers can offer the same level of service, expertise or cost-effectiveness.
  • Internal resistance: Changing MSPs can be a complex and time-consuming process that requires buy-in from various stakeholders within the organisation. If there is resistance from key decision-makers or IT staff, the process may be delayed or postponed indefinitely.
  • Lack of awareness: Some companies may simply be unaware of the benefits of switching MSPs. They may not realise that other providers offer better service, pricing or technology, or they may not understand the true cost of staying with their current MSP.

Tips for a hassle and stress-free switch

  • Take your time to research and gather testimonials of different MSPs. Sit down and have a chat with them to make sure they are covering your needs without pushing impulsive features on you to force you to pay more. A great managed service provider will ensure the transition is seamless, is not disruptive to your business and is stress-free.
  • Document all the problems and positives of your current MSP so that when you go to them to end the contract, you have grounds to stand on for wanting the change, as well as positives to say thank you to them for.
  • Take control of the change where you can and communicate with your MSP throughout the journey to ensure they are doing or implementing what they promised. Make sure they provide you with a plan so that you know exactly how they will manage the transition so your business operations are not affected.

During the proposal and initial assessment stage, you still have time to opt out of using the MSP. What’s beneficial in this stage is that the MSP will give you a fresh perspective on your IT systems and what’s normal in outsourced IT services. Since you’re at the point of wanting to switch IT service providers, this reaffirms your previous thoughts of wanting to switch as now you can actually see where your current MSP has not been providing you with the level of service or benefits you need. Similarly, a comprehensive audit of your IT systems by a different MSP can identify flaws and inefficiencies that your current MSP has been ignoring.

We never advocate switching MSPs for cheaper prices, but if a different MSP is offering better services than your current MSP at a similar price — managed IT services will generally be similar anyway — this means your budget goes further. You should always receive a return on your investment in your business.

Many businesses refrain from switching IT service providers too hastily due to perceived hassles with the switch and while risk management is essential for businesses, being too wary and worried can be detrimental to your business if the quality of your current IT service is not up to scratch. Remember, change can be positive.

Choosing a reputable and professional MSP mitigates these stresses and risks. Do your research and when receiving proposals and during the initial assessment stage, you will generally be able to gain a feel for the type of relationship you will have with the MSP in the long run. Like you, an MSP doesn’t want to be coming and going from a client’s systems, so they will do everything they can to maintain a great relationship with your business, as that’s what keeps them clients.

Why change can be stressful for business

Change is normal in life and for business to grow, your business needs to be prepared to take on change. When you’re unsure of the change, it comes down to the resources you have to cope with the stressful situation, i.e., the MSP transition. By doing your research and going through the first few stages with a prospective MSP, talking to them in person, having them assess your systems, and hearing their recommendations and how they can help you, this can significantly reduce the stress from changing IT providers.

In reality, stress and change all come down to psychology and perception towards the change. Learn everything you can about the MSP, do your research, contact testimonials of the MSP and read blog posts on their website to see if they have a diverse array of knowledge of the IT industry. Do what you need to feel comfortable with your prospective MSP and while you might keep telling yourself you don’t have time for this, it is a necessary step, especially if you’re becoming increasingly frustrated with your current provider.

Overall, changing MSPs can be daunting, but in many cases, it can result in significant improvements in service, technology and cost-effectiveness and can be incredibly beneficial to your business in the long run. Companies should carefully evaluate their options and consider the long-term benefits of switching MSPs.

If you need guidance about any step of the process and would like to learn about how Pronet Technology can help both manage your IT systems and improve your business’ Cyber Security measures, give us a quick call and we’ll have a chat!

The difference between small and large MSPs

The difference between small and large MSPs

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face the challenge of managing their IT systems and infrastructure without specific in-house resources. This can result in IT issues that disrupt business operations and impact productivity. To address these challenges, SMEs can choose from a variety of IT support options, including ad-hoc support, small managed service providers (MSPs) and large MSPs to improve their IT system optimisation. Each option has its advantages and drawbacks, and the choice depends on the specific needs and budget of the SME.

A separate post will detail what ad-hoc IT services are and why, for a company reliant on its computers and that has more than five computers, this should not be how they manage their IT. This post will focus on the difference between smaller, established MSPSs and larger, enterprise-level MSPs.

Established MSPs

Established MSPs are on par with large MSPs in terms of their services, resources, expertise and cost. They just have a smaller team (under 30 staff) and typically work with small and medium-sized businesses rather than larger ones. This is where Pronet Technology falls. We are not a large MSP but we’re established with immense managed service experience as well as Cyber Security experience, the latter being something many larger MSPs don’t even specialise in. In terms of cost, we go in and evaluate the needs of your business and base your package around that. If you don’t need all the services we provide, we don’t offer those, so the price will be different than what our other clients are paying. This means the price could also be more, or less, than what other MSPs are charging, it just depends on the needs of your business.

Enterprise MSPs

Large, enterprise MSPs, like Brennan IT and Powernet IT Support, typically have a broader range of services, resources and expertise than smaller MSPs, and may offer 24/7 support and specialist solutions. Large MSPs can provide SMEs with comprehensive IT solutions and greater scalability, but may also have higher costs due to overheads and less personalised service. SMEs may have to navigate complex service contracts and may not have direct access to the same technicians or engineers each time they require support.

The differences between the two


One of the big drawbacks of working with a large, enterprise-level managed service provider is that they offer less personalisation for their clients. A smaller MSP can look at your company and systems and tailor a plan that works for you, ensuring you’re receiving adequate security and service while also not trying to ‘over-service’ you with technology you don’t need. They can offer customised service plans that meet each client’s specific needs, rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution.

With a larger MSP, your point of contact is often an account manager whose service depends on how many other clients they manage. If they leave, you’re then stuck in limbo until another account manager is assigned to you, who may or may not offer the same level of service as the previous one. Larger MSPs may have a larger client base, which can make it more challenging to provide individualised attention to each client.


Due to the large size of enterprise-level MSPs, escalations are often slower as they have to go through the channels to get to the right person. You will find that smaller MSPs generally have more flexible arrangements and can come out to your business when there’s an issue relatively quickly and within your timeframe. While not always, larger MSPs are more rigid and you have to wait on them for when they’re free.

A key difference between established and enterprise-level MSPs is that they utilise different technical standards for their clients. While the cost of the managed services between the two is on par, many enterprise-level MSPs require their clients, no matter their size, to utilise higher grade hardware, such as CISCO, for their security, which may cost about $30,000, compared to an established MSP, like Pronet Technology, requiring their clients to use Sophos, which is about $3,000.

Our technology stack, that is, the software, hardware and applications we use, are more focused on small to medium-sized businesses as they’re the clients we take on, whereas a larger MSP will often require all their clients to use enterprise-level technology, regardless of their size and whether the tech is right for their business. Working with a larger MSP isn’t always beneficial, even though they may seem better and more experienced since they’re larger. You have to work out whether the MSP is right for your business.


Large MSPs have the advantage of high-level, specific expertise in certain fields, so they have more experts and engineers within their company than smaller MSPs, so they’re fantastic for specific technologies and projects. This raises the question though, of whether those experts also know other areas of managed services. In a smaller MSP, while they might not have the in-depth expertise about a specific technology you’re after, they have general knowledge of the whole managed service industry to help give you recommendations and look after your systems. Due to the scale of the larger MSP, it may take your business longer to get access to those experts though, as your call goes to the help desk who have to ask you a range of questions before you can ever gain access to that specialist. Kind of like calling your telco or bank. Established MSPs like Pronet are smaller but with a broader knowledge span. Bigger, more specific MSPs might not be what you need unless you have a specific project or problem.

For example, an enterprise MSP might have an SAP specialist, whereas a smaller MSP, who takes accountability for your systems, takes over the issue and contacts the SAP vendor themselves. The pros and cons of this depend on the problem your business is facing. By the time the larger MSP gets onto the problem, if it’s a less complicated issue, they can deal with it right away. If it’s a complicated issue, they then have to escalate the issue further and contact SAP directly, which, by that time, the smaller MSP could already have worked the issue out with the vendor. This hierarchy system, while organised and beneficial for a larger company to manage, doesn’t always work for the client as with smaller MSPs, where all tech staff, no matter their level, are working together, then can just turn to another tech employee and ask for help.

Smaller, established MSPs are generally more invested in your business and longevity as they take on the responsibility to fix the problem even though they may not be direct experts on the issue.

24/7 Support

Most large, enterprise-level MSPs provide 24/7 support, compared to smaller MSPs who may only offer extended work hours support, such as between 6am and 11pm. This might be necessary when you run an international business, but bear in mind that this support is outsourced overseas and the help desk associates generally only have Level-one knowledge to help you. If you need more expert support, you will have to wait until normal trading hours to get the help. These days, even some trading hours help-desk support is also being handled overseas. You will find that this is not the situation with smaller established MSPs as most believe in local service and, while outsourced service is cheap to provide, we have found that most clients don’t want it. At Pronet, even though we provide extended-hour support, we have found that we rarely get called anyway, with a lot of the after-hours work driven by us when our systems inform us that there is an issue in your business, which we then fix remotely.

Geographic Coverage

Another difference between the two, due to their size, is their physical reach. A large, enterprise MSP will often have more than one office across Australia and can handle large-scale projects and clients. This means that if a client in Perth needs a hardware upgrade, such as a router, someone from their Perth office can head out to install it. For smaller MSPs, while they may have clients in other cities, many will rely on strategic local partners to fix on-site issues. This is beneficial for smaller MSPs as they can work with more clients, but since the staff are not from the MSP, they cannot control the level of service provided to the tee. If it’s a large-scale issue that needs on-site fixing, the client will often fly the MSP’s employee/s out. Since most problems can be fixed remotely, this is not often an issue, and you will find that enterprise-sized MSPs will often use partners for regional work too.

Buying Power

Enterprise-level MSPs have more buying power to purchase computers and hardware at lower costs, and larger clients are often happy to bulk buy computers to receive those discounts, which they then have stored at the MSP. Enterprise MSPs don’t have any buying power when it comes to licences and services, like Microsoft 365 and internet service, as those prices are outside their control. Keep in mind that just because the MSP can receive a discount on hardware, that doesn’t necessarily mean those savings will be passed down to the client, and definitely not for their smaller clients.

Business Structure

Larger, enterprise MSPs take longer to plan and get started on projects due to their size and hierarchy of operations, whereas smaller ones, due to having less staff and formal procedures, have shorter lead times. Having more processes and procedures to follow does make operations smoother for both the MSP and your business though, so that is an advantage. It can also, however, be a disadvantage as these processes mean the MSP is more rigid and won’t change, whereas a smaller MSP can offer more flexibility and use their judgement on projects and issues. Large MSPs may be slower to adapt to changes in the IT industry or changes in a client’s needs. They may have a larger management system and processes in place that can make it difficult to respond quickly to changes.

When MSPs begin to get incredibly large, they tend to start becoming more sales focused, which is where you find differences in cost between them and smaller providers. A smaller provider, while on par with a larger provider in terms of managed service costs, tends to be more affordable due to them not trying to sell you all their services and new technology which your business might not need. Most established MSPs are technical but operational-focused as, due to being in the trade for many years, understand business and risk management for business longevity. Newer MSPs maybe not as business inclined and are quite technical in their work and communication with your business, while larger, enterprise-level MSPs are often technical but with a sales focus where they try to push more services on you to get you to spend more.

Writing this post, we understand it might be skewed more towards the positives of smaller, established MSPs and that’s because we are one. At Pronet, we used to work with larger clients but then scaled back as we knew that SMEs were being left behind and, ultimately, we enjoy the level of service we can provide these businesses. We understand the frustrations of SMEs as we’ve had clients who have come to us who were left behind as their previous MSP grew and were, essentially, forgotten. Due to this, we’ve tailored our services and technology stack to suit small and medium-sized businesses.

That’s not to say enterprise-level MSPs are bad or unneeded, because they are certainly needed for larger businesses with 200 to 300 computers and up as they’re too large for smaller MSPs to handle. The same thing goes for small businesses with one to five computers. Unfortunately, while you might need the services of an MSP, you might struggle to find one who finds it worthwhile to take you on as a client.

Ultimately, SMEs should carefully evaluate their IT needs, budget and goals when choosing between smaller but established MSPs or large, enterprise-level MSPs. Smaller MSPs can provide ongoing support and personalised service for SMEs with more modest needs. Large MSPs can offer comprehensive IT solutions and scalability for SMEs with more complex requirements but may come with higher costs and less personalised service. Seeking advice from an IT advisor or consultant can help SMEs evaluate their options and find a provider that can deliver the right level of service and support for their unique needs. When gathering proposals from IT providers, ask them questions relevant to your business to ensure they’re the right fit for you.

Overall, SMEs need to understand that just because an MSP is larger, doesn’t mean they’re better for your business. You need to determine the needs of your business to see what is best for you.

Problems you might find working with Pronet Technology

Problems you might find working with Pronet Technology

While a strange topic to discuss as a business, ensuring your SME is properly informed about our services is crucial to our interests.



Pronet Technology is an established Managed Service Provider, not a one-man or enterprise-level MSP. This may or may not suit your business needs so it is essential to understand how each size works and what you will be receiving with each.

  • Ad-hoc IT Support: Involves hiring a technician or consultant on an as-needed basis to address specific IT issues. This can be a cost-effective option for SMEs with limited IT needs, but it may not provide the support or expertise required for more complex systems or ongoing maintenance.
  • Established MSP: Larger than one-man ad-hoc IT support service but not as large as ones dealing with over 200 or 300 computers, established MSPs typically provide a range of IT services and support such as help desk support, network management and security services. Established MSPs are on par with large MSPs in terms of their services, resources, expertise and cost, they just have a smaller team and typically work with small and medium-sized businesses rather than larger ones.
  • Enterprise-level MSP: Large MSPs typically have broader resources and expertise than smaller MSPs and may offer 24/7 support, comprehensive IT solutions due to hiring niche employees — an SAP expert, for example — and greater scalability, however, they may also have higher long-term costs due to their industry technology standards and sales-focused approach, and less personalised service.

Working with Tech Staff

When dealing with IT problems in your business, one concern you might have is that the tech staff you’re dealing with might not answer your questions in ways you completely understand. Tech staff are very technologically minded and are not as eloquent with their words when speaking with those who are not so. You may have faced situations in the past where you have felt as though you were being talked down to with all the technical jargon and have left the conversation feeling even more confused than you entered it. While this is quite stereotypical, many tech staff are often quite introverted also, meaning when you do talk to them, you find you’re not quite getting all the answers you need. While not the case with Pronet, if your IT support is outsourced overseas, you also might come across heavy accents and different explanations due to colloquialisms and cultural words used.

For this reason, Pronet Technology hires by motivation, eagerness to learn and positivity. We believe that, while a technical education is essential, skills can be learned but it is the attitude of the individual that makes an employee valuable. This is our way of ensuring our IT staff can work effectively with clients while also fixing the issues you need fixing.

24/7 Support

In our over 20 years of working in the industry, we have found that most small and medium-sized businesses don’t need 24/7 support. Even clients with busy Christmas periods rarely need emergency support, but that’s not to say it’s not for you.

Even then, after-hours support is usually outsourced overseas, such as in the Philippines. MSP tech staff are either Level 2 or 3 trained whereas outsourced are mostly Level 1, so when you have an after-hours emergency, they don’t have the training required to help. This means they then need to call a local Level 2 or 3 trained staff member to come out who they may not be able to get in contact with as they’re asleep.

For that reason, Pronet Technology offers after-hours emergency support over the weekend and between 6:45am and 10:30pm to cover the early start by manufacturers and the occasional after-hours work by staff. As long as the issue gets solved quickly the following day, it’s generally not a big deal.

As one of our clients said:

“If you’re a manufacturing facility, in reality, does 24 hours really matter?”

If your current provider offers 24/7 support, it is worth asking what level those support staff are trained to see if you’re getting value from the service.

Website Security

A question to ask your MSP is ‘Do you deal with website security.’ While on our Platinum Plan, we offer website hosting and website management services, Pronet Technology doesn’t directly deal with website publishing and design. Passwords and network security are areas we work with, so this is often looked after, but website design and copywriting are often outsourced so the onus is on those working on the site to have secure networks. As a website is a function of marketing and sales, it’s best to leave this to professionals who know what they are doing

As a business owner or executive in charge of growing the company and its IT systems, it is necessary to know the pros and cons of IT providers before signing contracts. We hope this has answered any questions or lingering fears you had about our services, but if not, contact us at the number above to have a chat to see how we can help.

A Guide to MSA Costs

A Guide to MSA Costs

This is a very difficult question to answer as there are many plans and variables, but in this post, we will do our best to explain some pricing guidelines.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can be a great solution for businesses that need IT support and services but don’t have the resources or expertise to manage their IT infrastructure in-house. MSP costs are typically lower than hiring in-house staff, making it very tempting for companies. However, one of the most common questions businesses have is how much do MSPs actually cost. In this guide, we’ll break down the costs associated with MSPs and help you understand what to expect.

Sick of not being able to find an exact cost?

I get the frustration. Not being able to find a price anywhere on someone’s website unless a phone call is made. It’s annoying, but I promise there’s a good reason and I will do my best to explain. Bear with me.

The premise of being an IT Service Provider is to integrate and adapt to your business operations. That means being flexible to your individual needs, see where I’m going? We can’t put one single price on our website, because the truth is, the cost is completely dependent on your company’s specific needs.

As a small to medium-sized business owner, your priority is the longevity of the company, so the majority of the time, you’re willing to spend big money to ensure everything is running smoothly, but how do you know you’re not getting ripped off or how do you know where to start, especially when you’re throwing money to get things fixed, but then don’t get the outcome.

What we can help you understand are factors that can increase or decreasethe overall price. When the time comes to discuss pricing, you will have a better chance of making an informed decision.

5 main determining factors of price

Number of computers or users

This is going to be your starting point that service providers base their prices. How many users will you need? The more users you have, the more devices, whether that be computers, mobile devices, tablets etc., workstations and licences you will need to pay for.

Level of service required

Does your business require services such as Cyber Security, data backups and disaster recovery or cloud migration? The scope of services offered by MSPs can vary widely, and this can have a significant impact on costs. Some MSPs may offer only basic services, such as helpdesk support and device management, while others may offer more comprehensive services, such as cybersecurity and cloud management. The more services you require, the higher the costs are likely to be. Some MSPs may offer customised solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of your business. These solutions may be more expensive than standard packages, but they can provide significant value if your business has unique needs that aren’t met by standard packages. The level of support offered by MSPs can also impact costs. Some MSPs may offer only basic support, while others may provide 24/7 support and dedicated account managers. The more support you require, the higher the costs are likely to be. Finally, the quality of services offered by MSPs can impact costs. Some MSPs may offer lower-quality services at lower costs, while others may provide higher-quality services at higher costs. It’s important to choose an MSP that provides the level of quality that your business requires, even if it means paying a higher price.

Think about if you need any of these services:

  • Break/fix support
  • Phone/email support
  • On-site support
  • Remote monitoring
  • Data backup
  • Licence management
  • Telephone/internet
  • Networking, security and connectivity
  • Software licencing
  • Security training
  • Cyber Security

Complexity of your IT infrastructure

MSPs will often assess your technology’s complexity before determining the price, so businesses with more complex infrastructure tend to pay more. This includes the age and health of your IT systems.

Licences, services and upgrades

Does your business longevity plan include establishing Cyber Security processes or are you trying to improve staff productivity and flexibility with Adobe or Microsoft 365? If it’s the latter, these require licences from the vendors which factor into the MSP costs. Depending on what you’re after, MSP prices vary on the needs and size of your company. A good IT service provider will recommend the best options for you as well as provide information on the processes going forward, including future technical upgrades.


How much data does your business process? If you need multiple servers monitored, the price for the support will increase due to the server needing to be managed, secured and backed up.

How much does a Managed Service Agreement cost?

Typically, MSPs charge a monthly fee that can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per month. The pricing structure may be based on a flat rate for a certain number of devices or users, or it may be based on a tiered pricing structure that offers different levels of service for different costs.

In Australia, most MSPs cost between $95 and $300 per user, depending on whether you’re after basic, mid-range or high-end IT services. For comparison, ad-hoc work, that is, IT support coming out whenever you have an incident, usually costs between $90 to $225 per hour. When a large-scale incident or attack happens though, while some may be resolved relatively quickly, more complex attacks can take weeks or even months to fully resolve. So, while with a Managed Service Agreement, you’re on a monthly or yearly fixed plan which stays the same, if you use the top-tier ad-hoc service for two straight weeks of work, that can cost up to $18,000.

It’s important to note that while the cost of an MSP may seem high, it can provide significant cost savings in the long run by preventing downtime and improving productivity. Additionally, many businesses find that outsourcing their IT needs to an MSP allows them to focus on their core business operations without worrying about the complexities of managing their IT infrastructure.

Also, the cheapest MSP may not always be the best option for your business. You should look for a reputable MSP with a proven track record of delivering quality IT services. Some small and medium-sized enterprise owners only focus on the initial price of the service with the goal of finding the cheapest provider. This sacrifices the needs of the business and ignores adequate service response times and Cyber Security, which inevitably leads to regret when issues arise with their IT systems or, more often than not, leads to an unwillingness to change as they’re worried they will face the same issues with their new provider. Make sure to read reviews and check references before engaging any MSP to ensure they have a good reputation and can provide you with the level of service your business needs.

Most SMEs understand the importance of getting what they want the first time so they don’t have any regrets down the road as, let’s face it, you’re hiring an MSP to reduce the potential risks to your business.

Extra costs

  • Onboarding fees: These are the costs required to install software and hardware that sets up a client’s network which then gives it the ability to support remote monitoring and the MSPs IT team’s control.
  • Project fees for specific IT projects: Most MSP contracts don’t include IT project labour in their fixed fees. These are usually priced hourly for the duration of the project, however, some experienced MSPs do offer fixed-cost options for project work, which eliminates the worry of the cost of projects blowing out of proportion.

Pricing Plans

  • A La Carte

Some MSPs may offer a la carte pricing, where you pick and pay for services on a per-use basis. This model may be more cost-effective if your business doesn’t require a lot of IT services or if you already have an in-house IT team that sometimes needs extra support.

  • Flat-Rate

With flat-rate pricing, you pay a fixed fee for a set of services. This model can be beneficial for businesses because it provides predictable costs and allows you to budget more effectively. This can be applied on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. Your business gets access to different aspects of your package without worrying about additional costs and it provides your business with room for technological growth and flexibility.

  • Per User Per Month

This model is based on the number of users the MSP monitors and supports. If your business becomes more tech-based, most of your employees become considered users by the MSP and if they use multiple devices, especially with working from home, this can save your business considerably less. This model doesn’t apply to your business’ servers though.

  • Per Device Per Month

This means you pay your MSP depending on the number of devices that they monitor. This model varies in price due to the maintenance of your servers, desktops, firewalls and switches.

How Pronet Technology’s plans affect the cost

When you receive a quote from Pronet Technology, we thoroughly examine what your company has and what your company truly needs and examine the options to educate you on the option’s benefits. We want to identify the overall needs of your business to ensure your company’s growth and success.

See Pronet’s Service Plans page for more details here.

How does Pronet Technology’s pricing point compare to other MSPs

Pronet usually sits within 10 per cent of other service providers offering similar services. We are not a small MSP, nor are we a large-scale, enterprise-level MSP. Instead, we’re one that’s been established for over 20 years so have experience in managing a range of businesses. We offer the same features and services as enterprise-level MSPs but some years ago when we used to work with many larger businesses, we found we enjoyed working with small to medium-sized enterprises as this market is often left behind and neglected as MSPs grow. An important feature that sets us apart from other MSPs is our specialisation in Cyber Security, saving businesses money as they no longer have to pay for separate managed services and Cyber Security companies.

When it comes to calculating the cost of engaging an MSP, you must consider the potential savings an MSP can bring to your business. By outsourcing your IT needs to an MSP, you can free up time for your employees to focus on their core business functions. This can result in increased productivity, efficiency and profitability for your business. Additionally, MSPs can help you avoid costly downtime and data loss by providing proactive maintenance and support to your IT systems, ultimately saving your business from potential losses.

The costs associated with MSPs can vary widely depending on factors such as pricing models, the scope of services, the size of your business, the level of customisation, the level of support and the quality of services. It’s important to choose an MSP that provides the services and support that your business requires at a price that fits within your budget. By taking the time to research MSPs and understand the costs associated with different packages, you can choose an MSP that provides value and helps your business succeed.

Don’t stick with your IT service provider until something triggers you to change

Don’t stick with your IT service provider until something triggers you to change

As a business owner or manager, it is easy to become complacent with your current IT service provider. You may have a long-standing relationship with them and feel that they understand your business and its technology needs. This familiarity can often lead to a false sense of security and you may not realise the potential risks and limitations of sticking with your current IT service provider until something triggers you to change.

Over our years of service, we have found that businesses often wish they changed their IT service providers earlier. Change is incredibly complex and can be a hassle when you have to get proposals from different IT companies, then deal with the information transfer between the two, especially when the old provider might be less than cooperative. Ask yourself, what’s the point of even using a managed service provider if you’re not receiving everything you should be?

This article will explore why it is important to review your IT service provider, ensuring they are meeting your requirements and giving you great service, and why you should not wait until the decision to change is forced upon you.

Technology is constantly evolving

The technology landscape is constantly evolving and new solutions and tools are coming out all the time, sometimes even faster than it takes for you to get comfortable with a new one. Your IT service provider should be keeping up with these changes and be able to recommend and run new technologies that can benefit your business.

If your current IT service provider is not staying up-to-date with the latest technology trends, you could be missing out on opportunities to improve your business operations and stay ahead of the competition. What’s more, they need to be constantly on the lookout for new security risks and be updating their processes or technology to keep your business safe.

Your business needs may change

Like technology, businesses also evolve and as your business grows, your technology needs may change. For example, you may need to upgrade your infrastructure to support more users or introduce new software solutions to improve your or your staff’s productivity. If your current IT service provider is unable to accommodate these changes, it may be time to consider switching to a provider that can better meet your evolving needs. This could be because your company is now too big for the provider or because they don’t have the right technology, knowledge or experience in the direction your company is going.

Service quality may decline over time

Over time, service quality can decline as your IT service provider becomes complacent or takes your business for granted. After an initial fantastic six to 12 months, you may notice longer response times, decreased quality of support or a lack of solutions and recommendations. If you begin to feel that your IT service provider is no longer providing the level of service and support you require, it may be time to consider changing your plan with them or even making a change in provider.

Cyber Security threats are increasing

Cyber Security threats are increasing in both frequency and complexity, and businesses of all sizes are at risk. It may surprise you to hear that small businesses are the target of 43 per cent of cyber-attacks. This is why your IT service provider should be taking proactive measures to protect your business from threats, such as implementing security procedures, providing employee training and regularly updating your systems and software. If you feel that your IT service provider is not taking Cyber Security seriously, it may be time to look for a provider that has a strong focus on this area, especially if your business deals with sensitive information.


Technology costs are an important factor for any business and it’s important to ensure that you are getting good value for your IT investments. Managed service providers are generally on par with each other when it comes to their managed services of looking after your IT systems. Where they differ, are their additional services and level of technical standards, like using CISCO vs. Sophos. You might find that you are not utilising fully everything that you are paying for and wonder why they were offered to you in the first place. Make sure you review your IT costs and ensure you are getting the best value for your budget. An MSP should tailor its services and your plan to what your business requires, as well as be honest and tell you upfront when a higher-level technology is not needed. This also simply comes down to service. Is your business receiving what you’re paying for?

It is important to periodically review your IT service provider and not wait for something to trigger you to change, like a major data breach, loss of backups or issues simply not getting fixed. By regularly assessing your technology needs, service quality, Cyber Security measures and cost-effectiveness, you can ensure that you are getting the best value for your IT investments and that your technology infrastructure is keeping pace with your business growth and evolution.

Remember, switching IT service providers can be a daunting task, but it can also be an opportunity to improve your technology solutions and position your business for long-term success. There are so many benefits of service providers – make sure you’re getting them.