Tag Archives: managed IT service

Why a Quarterly Business Review is important

Why a Quarterly Business Review is important

In our rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires constant adaptation and optimisation. As a business owner, you need to regularly assess your operations, identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to drive growth. This is where a QBR (Quarterly Business Review) from an MSP (Managed Service Provider) comes into play

What is a QBR?

A QBR is a comprehensive review conducted by an MSP, usually every quarter, to evaluate the performance, progress and alignment of your business objectives with the implemented IT strategies. It goes beyond simply analysing data and metrics; it is an opportunity to discuss challenges, uncover opportunities and strengthen the relationship between you and your MSP. Smaller businesses may only receive a QBR once or twice a year but ask your MSP what their processes are around this.

A QBR is not just a mundane business review; it holds significant emotional weight. It evokes feelings of security, reassurance and confidence in the path your business is taking. Knowing that experts are analysing your performance, identifying areas of improvement and providing guidance instils a sense of trust and peace of mind.

The QBR experience is an opportunity to have open, honest conversations about challenges, fears and aspirations. It allows you to express your concerns and receive personalised recommendations tailored to your specific circumstances. The empathetic approach of the MSP, coupled with active listening and understanding, creates an emotional connection that transcends the usual business-client relationship.

Components of a QBR

  • Infrastructure Assessment: The MSP assesses the client’s network, hardware, software and other technology infrastructure components. This evaluation helps identify any potential vulnerabilities, outdated systems or areas that require optimisation.
  • Performance Analysis: The MSP reviews the client’s technology performance metrics, such as network uptime, response times and system utilisation. This analysis helps identify bottlenecks, areas of improvement or potential risks.
  • Security Evaluation: The MSP examines the client’s security posture, including Cyber Security measures, data protection practices and compliance adherence. This assessment helps identify any vulnerabilities or areas where security can be enhanced.
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) Review: The MSP reviews the SLA with the client, ensuring that the agreed-upon service levels are being met. This includes evaluating response times, issue resolution and overall customer satisfaction.
  • Future Planning and Recommendations: Based on the assessment findings, the MSP provides recommendations and strategic guidance to the client. This may include suggestions for technology upgrades, process improvements, security enhancements or cost optimisation measures.

The Importance of a QBR from an MSP

A QBR from an MSP holds significant importance for businesses of all sizes. Let’s delve into some key reasons why a QBR is crucial:

Gaining a Holistic View of Your Business

A quarterly business review provides you with a comprehensive overview of your company’s performance during a specific period. It does this by analysing various aspects, including financial performance, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction and employee productivity. By assessing these critical areas, you can identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. It allows you to identify what areas of your business are excelling and which ones require attention. By recognising your strengths, you can leverage them to gain a competitive advantage. Additionally, addressing weaknesses helps you minimise risks and enhance overall performance.

Uncovering Growth Opportunities

Through a QBR, an MSP can identify untapped growth opportunities that may have gone unnoticed. Analysing market trends, customer feedback and industry benchmarks can provide valuable insights into new markets, product enhancements and innovative strategies to drive business growth.

Enhancing Collaboration and Alignment

A QBR fosters collaboration and alignment within your organisation. By involving key stakeholders, such as department heads and senior management, in the review process, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding goals, challenges and strategies. This collaborative approach promotes a unified vision and encourages teamwork.

Optimising Operational Efficiency

Identifying inefficiencies in your operations is vital for streamlining processes and maximising productivity. An MSP conducting a QBR can analyse your workflows, technology infrastructure and resource allocation to pinpoint areas where improvements can be made. By optimising operational efficiency, you can reduce costs, enhance customer service and achieve better overall performance.

Strengthening IT Infrastructure

A robust IT infrastructure is essential for business success in today’s digital age. A QBR from an MSP can evaluate your current IT systems, Cyber Security measures and data management practices. They can identify vulnerabilities and recommend solutions to enhance your IT infrastructure’s reliability, security and scalability.

Strategic Planning and Risk Mitigation

A QBR enables you to develop effective strategic plans and mitigate potential risks. By examining market trends, competitive landscape and emerging technologies, an MSP can help you formulate strategies that align with your business goals. Additionally, they can identify risks and provide proactive measures to minimise their impact.

Strengthens the Relationship with your MSP

A QBR serves as a bridge between you and your MSP. It fosters open communication, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of your unique business needs. This strengthened partnership allows the MSP to provide tailored solutions and support, ensuring your business thrives. When your MSP invests time and effort in conducting a QBR, it also demonstrates its commitment to your success. The personalised attention, proactive approach and customised recommendations leave you feeling valued and supported, leading to higher client satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

Learning your Business’ Technology Score

When an MSP completes a QBR for your business, oftentimes, you will receive a technology score. The concept of a technology score can vary depending on the specific MSP or service provider you are working with. It is not a universally standardised metric, but rather a subjective evaluation conducted by the MSP based on various factors related to your business’s technology infrastructure and performance.

The technology score typically reflects the MSP’s assessment of your business’s overall technology health, efficiency and alignment with industry best practices. It may consider factors such as:

  • Infrastructure: The MSP evaluates the robustness and scalability of your network, servers, storage and other hardware components. They assess whether your infrastructure meets the requirements of your business operations and future growth.
  • Security: The MSP examines your Cyber Security measures, including firewalls, antivirus software, data encryption, access controls and employee training. They look for potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your security posture.
  • Software and Applications: The MSP reviews the software and applications you use, assessing their relevance, performance and integration capabilities. They may consider factors such as licencing compliance, software updates and utilisation efficiency.
  • Performance and Reliability: The MSP evaluates the performance and reliability of your technology systems, including network uptime, response times and system availability. They may analyse historical data and metrics to identify areas for improvement.
  • IT Governance and Processes: The MSP assesses your IT governance structure, policies and processes. This includes evaluating IT documentation, change management practices, backup and disaster recovery plans, and adherence to industry standards.

Based on these factors, the MSP assigns a technology score to provide you with an indication of how well your business’s technology environment is performing and where improvements can be made. The score may be presented as a numerical value, a rating scale or a qualitative assessment, depending on the MSP’s methodology.

A QBR from an MSP is a critical component for achieving business success. It provides a holistic view of your organisation, uncovers growth opportunities, enhances collaboration, optimises operational efficiency, strengthens IT infrastructure and facilitates strategic planning and risk mitigation. By regularly conducting QBRs, you can stay ahead of the competition, adapt to market changes and drive growth. Remember to involve key stakeholders, seek a reliable MSP and embrace the insights and recommendations provided through the QBR process.

It’s important to note that each MSP may have its own methodology for calculating the technology score, so the specific details may vary. It’s best to consult with your MSP directly to understand how they determine and interpret the technology score for your business.

FAQs about QBRs

  • What is the purpose of a QBR?

A QBR aims to evaluate your business performance, identify improvement areas and develop growth strategies. It provides a comprehensive analysis of your operations and fosters collaboration within your organisation.

  • How often should QBRs be conducted?

Quarterly QBRs are typically recommended, as they provide a balanced frequency for evaluation and allow for timely adjustments. However, the frequency can be adjusted based on your business needs and industry dynamics.

  • Who should be involved in the QBR process?

A QBR should involve key stakeholders from different departments within your organisation. This includes senior management, department heads and individuals responsible for key areas such as finance, operations, marketing, HR and IT. By involving a diverse range of perspectives, you can ensure comprehensive insights and foster collaboration.

  • How long does a QBR typically take?

The duration of a QBR can vary depending on the size and complexity of your business. Generally, it can range from a few hours to a full day. It is important to allocate sufficient time to thoroughly discuss each aspect of the review and develop actionable plans.

  • What outcomes can I expect from a QBR?

A QBR can deliver several valuable outcomes for your business. These include a clear understanding of your business performance, identified growth opportunities, actionable recommendations for improvement, enhanced collaboration and aligned strategic plans. It also provides an opportunity to address any concerns or challenges faced by your organisation.

Will my IT provider be held accountable if something goes wrong with my IT systems?

Will my IT provider be held accountable if something goes wrong with my IT systems?

As a business owner, it’s natural to worry about the accountability of your IT service provider if something goes wrong with your IT systems. After all, your IT infrastructure is crucial to the success of your business and any downtime or data loss can be catastrophic.

You probably have enough worry about the risks your company faces as it is, you don’t then want the added stress of thinking about the risks your managed service provider (MSP) faces. Knowing where the responsibility falls when you become a victim of a ransomware attack or other type of Cyber Security incident can be confusing.

Understanding MSPs

Managed Service Providers are external entities that specialise in providing IT services and support to organisations. Their primary goal is to ensure the smooth operation and security of a company’s IT systems. MSPs work on a subscription or contract basis, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet specific business needs.

MSPs play a crucial role in enhancing an organisation’s IT capabilities. By using their expertise and resources, businesses can offload certain IT functions to MSPs, allowing them to then focus on core business objectives. MSPs provide proactive monitoring, rapid issue resolution and strategic guidance, ensuring that IT systems align with business goals.

While MSPs offer valuable services and support, it is important to recognise that despite their expertise, MSPs cannot shoulder full accountability for your IT systems.

Limitations of MSPs in Taking Full Accountability

While MSPs offer valuable services, there are inherent limitations that prevent them from assuming full accountability for your IT systems. Understanding these limitations is vital for maintaining a realistic perspective and ensuring effective collaboration. Let’s explore some of the key reasons why MSPs cannot take complete responsibility.

Shared Responsibility Model

When engaging with an MSP, it is essential to establish a shared responsibility model. This model defines the division of responsibilities between the business and the MSP. While MSPs take charge of certain aspects like infrastructure management and proactive monitoring for reliability, businesses retain ownership of critical decisions, application management and user access controls. Therefore, the accountability for configuring and maintaining specific applications or ensuring user compliance remains with the organisation.

Limited Control over Infrastructure

Although MSPs play a crucial role in managing IT infrastructure, they often operate within the confines of the systems and technologies already in place. They may have limited control over the underlying infrastructure, which can impact their ability to implement certain changes or optimisations. Critical decisions regarding hardware upgrades, network architecture or data centre infrastructure typically require coordination and approval from the organisation’s management.

MSPs have their own tech stacks and baseline software and hardware that they require their clients to adopt. This is for several reasons; the MSP is familiar with running the infrastructure and can ensure it is working as it should, and these are the best recommendations the MSP can give their clients that will actively protect them or suit their budget. For example, while Cisco is a fantastic piece of software, it is also incredibly expensive. We have found that Sophos is also incredibly effective but at a much cheaper price point, so that’s what we implement within our clients’ businesses. If you don’t want to implement these, we usually won’t take you on as a client, but some MSPs will still work with you, and if you’ve ignored their recommendations, that’s on your business.

Cyber Security

Risk is an unavoidable factor that comes with running a business, but there are ways to mitigate these risks, hence why you work with an MSP in the first place. Another way to do this is to implement effective Cyber Security practices to protect yourself from the majority of cyberattacks. If your business refuses to implement these, the MSP will continue to pressure you to pursue these methods which can cause tension within the relationship. Your business should be implementing the recommendations of the MSP as if you did your research and are working with a reputable provider, they will have your best interests at heart rather than just pushing processes on you to make you spend money. Not only that but if you don’t implement effective Cyber Security strategies, you either won’t be eligible for Cyber Insurance or your current insurer won’t pay up.

When it comes to risks, failure often leads to blame. With Cyber Security though, there’s no question of if you will be hit by an attack, but when, as the majority of the time, breaches occur due to human error within your business, so your business can’t then blame the MSP. Employees should be paying close attention to what is happening on their devices and follow best practices. What the MSP should be doing is proactively monitoring your systems to then isolate the breach when it occurs and fix issues as soon as they happen. If they fail to do this, then you can hold them accountable until they fix the issue.

You should also be monitoring that your MSP is being diligent in reducing the liabilities within your business as well as their own if your business becomes exposed to an attack. MSPs should have strict internal Cyber Security policies and should demand the same from your business as a breach on your end can impact them.

MSPs cannot guarantee that nothing will go wrong with your IT systems. What an MSP does is implement mitigation measures to protect your business against the vast majority of risks out there and ensure that if something does occur, you can get operations back up and running. In that sense, there is no full accountability, other than a determination to fix issues at their root to mitigate threats in the future.

Choose a Reputable MSP

Businesses need to choose their managed service provider wisely and do some research about the provider to see if they are right for them. It’s crucial to understand your IT service provider’s track record. Check their references and read reviews online to get an idea of how they have handled issues in the past. Have they responded promptly and effectively to incidents, or have they been slow to act or unresponsive? This information can give you insight into how they will handle issues with your business’s IT infrastructure.

It is the responsibility of the MSP to use a proactive management approach when protecting your business’ systems and they must be regularly assessing their security systems as well as adding new measures to reduce both parties’ liability if an attack does occur. Cybercriminals are constantly testing new methods, so MSPs should be constantly learning and improving their defences. Make sure that your IT service provider has a clear process for reporting incidents and that they provide you with regular updates on their progress in resolving them. This communication is essential to ensure that you are fully informed of any issues and that your provider is working towards a solution.

As a business, you’re aiming to work with your MSP for as long as possible and to do that, you need to create a strategic relationship. This allows them to become invested in your business which then increases their dedication to ensuring your business is protected. The MSP should clearly be outlining their expectations of you and your expectations of them so that you both know what you are each responsible for. Doing this also allows the MSP to help plan your business’ technology and help you navigate as you grow as a business. They will take your ideas, goals and concerns as a company into consideration when they recommend software and hardware.

What Can You Do Now?

To help you understand if your MSP is doing right by your business, there are several areas you can assess them on.

  • How are they taking your concerns and needs into consideration?
  • How often are they meeting with your team to discuss priority items and long-term goals?
  • Have you experienced any additional, hidden fees outside of the MSP’s fixed costs?
  • Has the MSP been working on any projects/goals they outlined with your business?
  • Is the MSP showing you the results of their plans/actions?

If you’re truly concerned about whether your MSP will look after your business, make sure you’re asking them questions when you hear of new cyberattacks happening to other businesses to see how they are protecting yours.

The managed service provider you work with is there to look after you and if you have chosen a reputable one, they will do this with your best interests in mind. Accountability for your IT systems is on you though, as if you decide not to implement any of the recommendations the MSP is providing, then they are not to blame.

While MSPs cannot assume full accountability for IT systems, their collaboration with organisations remains essential for efficient operations and robust security.

The difference between small and large MSPs

The difference between small and large MSPs

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face the challenge of managing their IT systems and infrastructure without specific in-house resources. This can result in IT issues that disrupt business operations and impact productivity. To address these challenges, SMEs can choose from a variety of IT support options, including ad-hoc support, small managed service providers (MSPs) and large MSPs to improve their IT system optimisation. Each option has its advantages and drawbacks, and the choice depends on the specific needs and budget of the SME.

A separate post will detail what ad-hoc IT services are and why, for a company reliant on its computers and that has more than five computers, this should not be how they manage their IT. This post will focus on the difference between smaller, established MSPSs and larger, enterprise-level MSPs.

Established MSPs

Established MSPs are on par with large MSPs in terms of their services, resources, expertise and cost. They just have a smaller team (under 30 staff) and typically work with small and medium-sized businesses rather than larger ones. This is where Pronet Technology falls. We are not a large MSP but we’re established with immense managed service experience as well as Cyber Security experience, the latter being something many larger MSPs don’t even specialise in. In terms of cost, we go in and evaluate the needs of your business and base your package around that. If you don’t need all the services we provide, we don’t offer those, so the price will be different than what our other clients are paying. This means the price could also be more, or less, than what other MSPs are charging, it just depends on the needs of your business.

Enterprise MSPs

Large, enterprise MSPs, like Brennan IT and Powernet IT Support, typically have a broader range of services, resources and expertise than smaller MSPs, and may offer 24/7 support and specialist solutions. Large MSPs can provide SMEs with comprehensive IT solutions and greater scalability, but may also have higher costs due to overheads and less personalised service. SMEs may have to navigate complex service contracts and may not have direct access to the same technicians or engineers each time they require support.

The differences between the two


One of the big drawbacks of working with a large, enterprise-level managed service provider is that they offer less personalisation for their clients. A smaller MSP can look at your company and systems and tailor a plan that works for you, ensuring you’re receiving adequate security and service while also not trying to ‘over-service’ you with technology you don’t need. They can offer customised service plans that meet each client’s specific needs, rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution.

With a larger MSP, your point of contact is often an account manager whose service depends on how many other clients they manage. If they leave, you’re then stuck in limbo until another account manager is assigned to you, who may or may not offer the same level of service as the previous one. Larger MSPs may have a larger client base, which can make it more challenging to provide individualised attention to each client.


Due to the large size of enterprise-level MSPs, escalations are often slower as they have to go through the channels to get to the right person. You will find that smaller MSPs generally have more flexible arrangements and can come out to your business when there’s an issue relatively quickly and within your timeframe. While not always, larger MSPs are more rigid and you have to wait on them for when they’re free.

A key difference between established and enterprise-level MSPs is that they utilise different technical standards for their clients. While the cost of the managed services between the two is on par, many enterprise-level MSPs require their clients, no matter their size, to utilise higher grade hardware, such as CISCO, for their security, which may cost about $30,000, compared to an established MSP, like Pronet Technology, requiring their clients to use Sophos, which is about $3,000.

Our technology stack, that is, the software, hardware and applications we use, are more focused on small to medium-sized businesses as they’re the clients we take on, whereas a larger MSP will often require all their clients to use enterprise-level technology, regardless of their size and whether the tech is right for their business. Working with a larger MSP isn’t always beneficial, even though they may seem better and more experienced since they’re larger. You have to work out whether the MSP is right for your business.


Large MSPs have the advantage of high-level, specific expertise in certain fields, so they have more experts and engineers within their company than smaller MSPs, so they’re fantastic for specific technologies and projects. This raises the question though, of whether those experts also know other areas of managed services. In a smaller MSP, while they might not have the in-depth expertise about a specific technology you’re after, they have general knowledge of the whole managed service industry to help give you recommendations and look after your systems. Due to the scale of the larger MSP, it may take your business longer to get access to those experts though, as your call goes to the help desk who have to ask you a range of questions before you can ever gain access to that specialist. Kind of like calling your telco or bank. Established MSPs like Pronet are smaller but with a broader knowledge span. Bigger, more specific MSPs might not be what you need unless you have a specific project or problem.

For example, an enterprise MSP might have an SAP specialist, whereas a smaller MSP, who takes accountability for your systems, takes over the issue and contacts the SAP vendor themselves. The pros and cons of this depend on the problem your business is facing. By the time the larger MSP gets onto the problem, if it’s a less complicated issue, they can deal with it right away. If it’s a complicated issue, they then have to escalate the issue further and contact SAP directly, which, by that time, the smaller MSP could already have worked the issue out with the vendor. This hierarchy system, while organised and beneficial for a larger company to manage, doesn’t always work for the client as with smaller MSPs, where all tech staff, no matter their level, are working together, then can just turn to another tech employee and ask for help.

Smaller, established MSPs are generally more invested in your business and longevity as they take on the responsibility to fix the problem even though they may not be direct experts on the issue.

24/7 Support

Most large, enterprise-level MSPs provide 24/7 support, compared to smaller MSPs who may only offer extended work hours support, such as between 6am and 11pm. This might be necessary when you run an international business, but bear in mind that this support is outsourced overseas and the help desk associates generally only have Level-one knowledge to help you. If you need more expert support, you will have to wait until normal trading hours to get the help. These days, even some trading hours help-desk support is also being handled overseas. You will find that this is not the situation with smaller established MSPs as most believe in local service and, while outsourced service is cheap to provide, we have found that most clients don’t want it. At Pronet, even though we provide extended-hour support, we have found that we rarely get called anyway, with a lot of the after-hours work driven by us when our systems inform us that there is an issue in your business, which we then fix remotely.

Geographic Coverage

Another difference between the two, due to their size, is their physical reach. A large, enterprise MSP will often have more than one office across Australia and can handle large-scale projects and clients. This means that if a client in Perth needs a hardware upgrade, such as a router, someone from their Perth office can head out to install it. For smaller MSPs, while they may have clients in other cities, many will rely on strategic local partners to fix on-site issues. This is beneficial for smaller MSPs as they can work with more clients, but since the staff are not from the MSP, they cannot control the level of service provided to the tee. If it’s a large-scale issue that needs on-site fixing, the client will often fly the MSP’s employee/s out. Since most problems can be fixed remotely, this is not often an issue, and you will find that enterprise-sized MSPs will often use partners for regional work too.

Buying Power

Enterprise-level MSPs have more buying power to purchase computers and hardware at lower costs, and larger clients are often happy to bulk buy computers to receive those discounts, which they then have stored at the MSP. Enterprise MSPs don’t have any buying power when it comes to licences and services, like Microsoft 365 and internet service, as those prices are outside their control. Keep in mind that just because the MSP can receive a discount on hardware, that doesn’t necessarily mean those savings will be passed down to the client, and definitely not for their smaller clients.

Business Structure

Larger, enterprise MSPs take longer to plan and get started on projects due to their size and hierarchy of operations, whereas smaller ones, due to having less staff and formal procedures, have shorter lead times. Having more processes and procedures to follow does make operations smoother for both the MSP and your business though, so that is an advantage. It can also, however, be a disadvantage as these processes mean the MSP is more rigid and won’t change, whereas a smaller MSP can offer more flexibility and use their judgement on projects and issues. Large MSPs may be slower to adapt to changes in the IT industry or changes in a client’s needs. They may have a larger management system and processes in place that can make it difficult to respond quickly to changes.

When MSPs begin to get incredibly large, they tend to start becoming more sales focused, which is where you find differences in cost between them and smaller providers. A smaller provider, while on par with a larger provider in terms of managed service costs, tends to be more affordable due to them not trying to sell you all their services and new technology which your business might not need. Most established MSPs are technical but operational-focused as, due to being in the trade for many years, understand business and risk management for business longevity. Newer MSPs maybe not as business inclined and are quite technical in their work and communication with your business, while larger, enterprise-level MSPs are often technical but with a sales focus where they try to push more services on you to get you to spend more.

Writing this post, we understand it might be skewed more towards the positives of smaller, established MSPs and that’s because we are one. At Pronet, we used to work with larger clients but then scaled back as we knew that SMEs were being left behind and, ultimately, we enjoy the level of service we can provide these businesses. We understand the frustrations of SMEs as we’ve had clients who have come to us who were left behind as their previous MSP grew and were, essentially, forgotten. Due to this, we’ve tailored our services and technology stack to suit small and medium-sized businesses.

That’s not to say enterprise-level MSPs are bad or unneeded, because they are certainly needed for larger businesses with 200 to 300 computers and up as they’re too large for smaller MSPs to handle. The same thing goes for small businesses with one to five computers. Unfortunately, while you might need the services of an MSP, you might struggle to find one who finds it worthwhile to take you on as a client.

Ultimately, SMEs should carefully evaluate their IT needs, budget and goals when choosing between smaller but established MSPs or large, enterprise-level MSPs. Smaller MSPs can provide ongoing support and personalised service for SMEs with more modest needs. Large MSPs can offer comprehensive IT solutions and scalability for SMEs with more complex requirements but may come with higher costs and less personalised service. Seeking advice from an IT advisor or consultant can help SMEs evaluate their options and find a provider that can deliver the right level of service and support for their unique needs. When gathering proposals from IT providers, ask them questions relevant to your business to ensure they’re the right fit for you.

Overall, SMEs need to understand that just because an MSP is larger, doesn’t mean they’re better for your business. You need to determine the needs of your business to see what is best for you.

Don’t stick with your IT service provider until something triggers you to change

Don’t stick with your IT service provider until something triggers you to change

As a business owner or manager, it is easy to become complacent with your current IT service provider. You may have a long-standing relationship with them and feel that they understand your business and its technology needs. This familiarity can often lead to a false sense of security and you may not realise the potential risks and limitations of sticking with your current IT service provider until something triggers you to change.

Over our years of service, we have found that businesses often wish they changed their IT service providers earlier. Change is incredibly complex and can be a hassle when you have to get proposals from different IT companies, then deal with the information transfer between the two, especially when the old provider might be less than cooperative. Ask yourself, what’s the point of even using a managed service provider if you’re not receiving everything you should be?

This article will explore why it is important to review your IT service provider, ensuring they are meeting your requirements and giving you great service, and why you should not wait until the decision to change is forced upon you.

Technology is constantly evolving

The technology landscape is constantly evolving and new solutions and tools are coming out all the time, sometimes even faster than it takes for you to get comfortable with a new one. Your IT service provider should be keeping up with these changes and be able to recommend and run new technologies that can benefit your business.

If your current IT service provider is not staying up-to-date with the latest technology trends, you could be missing out on opportunities to improve your business operations and stay ahead of the competition. What’s more, they need to be constantly on the lookout for new security risks and be updating their processes or technology to keep your business safe.

Your business needs may change

Like technology, businesses also evolve and as your business grows, your technology needs may change. For example, you may need to upgrade your infrastructure to support more users or introduce new software solutions to improve your or your staff’s productivity. If your current IT service provider is unable to accommodate these changes, it may be time to consider switching to a provider that can better meet your evolving needs. This could be because your company is now too big for the provider or because they don’t have the right technology, knowledge or experience in the direction your company is going.

Service quality may decline over time

Over time, service quality can decline as your IT service provider becomes complacent or takes your business for granted. After an initial fantastic six to 12 months, you may notice longer response times, decreased quality of support or a lack of solutions and recommendations. If you begin to feel that your IT service provider is no longer providing the level of service and support you require, it may be time to consider changing your plan with them or even making a change in provider.

Cyber Security threats are increasing

Cyber Security threats are increasing in both frequency and complexity, and businesses of all sizes are at risk. It may surprise you to hear that small businesses are the target of 43 per cent of cyber-attacks. This is why your IT service provider should be taking proactive measures to protect your business from threats, such as implementing security procedures, providing employee training and regularly updating your systems and software. If you feel that your IT service provider is not taking Cyber Security seriously, it may be time to look for a provider that has a strong focus on this area, especially if your business deals with sensitive information.


Technology costs are an important factor for any business and it’s important to ensure that you are getting good value for your IT investments. Managed service providers are generally on par with each other when it comes to their managed services of looking after your IT systems. Where they differ, are their additional services and level of technical standards, like using CISCO vs. Sophos. You might find that you are not utilising fully everything that you are paying for and wonder why they were offered to you in the first place. Make sure you review your IT costs and ensure you are getting the best value for your budget. An MSP should tailor its services and your plan to what your business requires, as well as be honest and tell you upfront when a higher-level technology is not needed. This also simply comes down to service. Is your business receiving what you’re paying for?

It is important to periodically review your IT service provider and not wait for something to trigger you to change, like a major data breach, loss of backups or issues simply not getting fixed. By regularly assessing your technology needs, service quality, Cyber Security measures and cost-effectiveness, you can ensure that you are getting the best value for your IT investments and that your technology infrastructure is keeping pace with your business growth and evolution.

Remember, switching IT service providers can be a daunting task, but it can also be an opportunity to improve your technology solutions and position your business for long-term success. There are so many benefits of service providers – make sure you’re getting them.

How long does it take to switch MSPs?

How long does it take to switch MSPs?

If this is the post you’re reading, you’re probably already with an MSP, so you know what one is. Essentially, a managed service provider is a company that handles all your IT needs for you, providing your business with all the IT expertise and support you need to keep running your business.

MSPs have a magnitude of features on offer, such as remote monitoring of your systems, regular back-ups of your data as well as protection of this data, cloud computing integration, network and infrastructure management, antivirus protection and if your MSP specialises in Cyber Security like Pronet Technology, then this is included too.

Handing the responsibility of your IT systems over to an MSP has many benefits for organisations. It enables you to focus on the day-to-day running of your business, on new projects and future growth without worrying about your IT systems and how they might hinder your efforts.

We have already written a post detailing when to consider switching your MSP (read here), but you might be confused and even wary about the change due to how long it will take to transition. Let us tell you this: the transition itself is barely any time at all and the MSP will ensure it’s a smooth transition.

Switching Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can be daunting for any business, but it doesn’t have to be a painful process. The length of time it takes to switch MSPs can vary depending on several factors, including the size of your business, the complexity of your IT infrastructure and the quality of your current MSP’s services.

Here’s what you can expect when switching MSPs:

Evaluation and Research (weeks to months)

Before making the switch, you must evaluate your current MSP’s services and research potential new MSPs. This can take several weeks or even months, depending on how thorough you want to be in your research. Read this article to learn how to find a good MSP for you.

You’ll need to review your current contract for what steps to take when ending the relationship as well as any costs associated with this. You need to assess your IT infrastructure to determine which of it is actually owned by you and determine your specific needs.

Selection Process (several weeks)

Once you’ve evaluated your current MSP and researched potential new ones, you’ll need to go through a selection process. This involves reaching out to potential MSPs, discussing your needs with them and requesting proposals. It can take several weeks to receive proposals and review them. Read out post about what to look for in an MSP here.

Once you have chosen an MSP, your business undergoes an initial assessment by the provider. This can take one to two days, but basically, the MSP will go through your systems to determine exactly what they need to do going forward, such as determine where they need to take over from the old MSP, how systems and hardware they will need to implement and where your business needs to improve. This allows them to also ensure you’re aware of all costs involved and what switching will entail. They will also inform you of any critical, important and minor risks they believe you must implement for them to work with you. After this, you are given the option to back out if you so wish. During this time, as a business, you get a sense of whether the MSP is right for you.

Now that you’ve selected your MSP and have signed the contract, it’s time to give your current provider a 30-day notice period, or however long is listed in the contract. Even if you have an unstable relationship with them, they are still a business and need time to transition. This gives the old MSP time to remove all its hardware and permissions from your business so that they no longer have any remote access to your systems.

Onboarding Process (a day to a month)

The actual onboarding process from your old MSP to your new one, depending on your company’s size, can take between a day and a month, but generally no more than a week. This is quite a seamless, smooth-sailing transition for your business as the MSP takes care of everything for you. They will often take control of any passwords, service subscriptions, cloud applications and systems and the length of time this takes depends on the amount of data you have and the complexity of your systems. They will need to make sure backups are going to them instead of the old MSP and set up remote access to be able to monitor your systems for any threats that arise.

MSPs will generally make sure the transition has as little impact on your business as possible, with the two companies coordinating with each other. There have been cases of the old MSP being quite uncooperative during this time, though, so keep that in mind.

Transition Process (up to a month)

After onboarding, the MSP will work with you to ensure you fix the critical risks within your business, ones they pointed out in their initial assessment, and they usually require these to be fixed within a week to a month. For any important issues, they will generally give you a quarter or two to fix and then for any minor issues, they will suggest you change these within 12 months, if ever.

In terms of the ‘training’ usually given, this is simply giving your staff information about how to contact the MSP if something arises. Businesses generally aren’t looking to change their software during a change of MSP, so there isn’t usually much training involved.

If you’re truly desperate for an MSP, you can sign a contract and have them all set up the next day, but the process of choosing a managed service provider should be tailored specifically for your business needs. Determine what you need in a provider and whether they are right for you. For example, if you’re a small or medium-sized business, a large, enterprise-level MSP might not be right for you and vice versa.

For a business, the entire switch of an MSP can take months but the actual onboarding process of an MSP can take anywhere from a day or two for smaller businesses to up to a month for larger ones, but generally, it takes about a week or two. It’s important to take the time to evaluate your current MSP, research potential new ones and go through a thorough selection process. Don’t let the time it takes deter you from taking the time and effort as switching MSPs can be well worth it in the long run if you find an MSP that is a better fit for your business needs. Remember to communicate effectively with your new MSP throughout the process and be patient as they work to transition your systems.

Your IT systems can make or break your business, so make sure you have a great MSP managing and monitoring them.

What should I look for when replacing my IT service provider?

What should I look for when replacing my IT service provider?

Choosing the right Managed Service Provider (MSP) is critical for businesses to ensure that their IT systems are managed effectively and efficiently.

Do you find yourself asking, ‘How do I keep my IT systems running without any issues?’ Business owners have too many day-to-day tasks to complete and think about to want to then deal with IT issues that they don’t fully comprehend. Hence why they then delegate these tasks to others.

Working with an MSP is just that, delegating the accountability of your IT systems to experts who know what they are doing and who can handle the technical aspects of the job. As decision-makers, we know that a major sentiment is that you want IT systems that work, that the whole team is happy with, and, most importantly, systems that look after themselves. You need a provider to manage the whole system and ensure it’s running smoothly so that your staff don’t stress and waste time trying to work around it.

Ideally, unless your service provider grows and you now feel as though they don’t care about you anymore due to your business being too small, or you simply aren’t receiving the service you require for your business, you don’t want to have to change MSPs. The time and effort of researching new providers or people to help fix system issues is a hassle, which is the primary reason business owners simply stay with their provider, even though they are receiving poor service. You may feel guilty for wanting to move on or have built ties with the provider and its staff, but your IT provider should be looking out for your best interest and if they’re not, you need to start looking elsewhere.

After talking to our new clients, especially within a month of working with them, we’ve learned that many of them wish they’d changed providers years before something happened that triggered the change. So, if you’re in a similar situation, on the search for a new MSP or your business has simply grown in size that you now require one to handle your IT systems, here are some factors that separate a good MSP from a bad one.


A good MSP should be responsive to their client’s needs and provide timely support when issues arise. They should have a dedicated help desk and clear escalation processes to ensure that issues are resolved quickly and that they address them in a way that reduces your business’ downtime while keeping the business running and your staff working. The MSP should have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) in place which outlines the services provided to you, response times, support constraints and your business responsibilities.


A good MSP should take a proactive approach to IT management, monitoring systems for potential issues and implementing preventive measures to avoid downtime and security breaches. This behind-the-scenes work from the MSP is essential for your business’ success as your company should not be reaching out when it has a problem, which is what happens with Ad-hoc support; it’s about prevention and responsiveness when an issue does end up occurring. 


The MSP you’re changing to should have a team of skilled and experienced IT professionals with specialised knowledge in a variety of areas, including your server platform, network management and cabling, firewall, Sophos, Cisco networking and cloud computing integration, and they should be Microsoft Certified.

Expertise in Line–of–Business (LoB) Application

Line of Business applications refers to the set of critical programs that are vital to the day-to-day running of your business. These are usually large programs that contain a vast amount of capabilities integrated into them that then tie into the rest of your databases and management systems. Some examples of these are SAP, Sage and Microsoft Dynamics and each of these vendors has support systems that are separate from your IT service provider. Unfortunately, a LoB support doesn’t necessarily care about your business, just their base software, and when all your systems need to work in conjunction, you need to ensure you choose an IT provider that has exposure to your LoB. Keep in mind that most won’t have expertise in the LoB, as it’s not their field, but they should have exposure and they should be willing to take on the technical jargon and be the middleman between your business and the LoB support team. As a business, you don’t want to be the trouble-shooter, so if, for example, you have a printer problem in SAP, your IT support will then work with SAP with the technical how-tos and fix the issue. Make sure your MSP is willing to take this on.


MSPs should maintain open and transparent communication with their clients, providing regular updates on system performance, service level agreements and other important metrics. While as a business owner or manager, you’re looking to outsource your IT systems and management so that you don’t have the added stress of understanding how to fix or prevent problems, it’s still essential that you know what is happening, especially considering IT is such a crucial element of your business. You should be communicating with your MSP in a broader sense and their recommendations should be used in the long-term planning of your business.


You don’t want to go into partnership with a rigid MSP that have you stuck in a fixed price plan. An MSP should be able to customise its services to meet its clients’ unique needs and requirements. Every business is different and a one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it, so the MSP should be willing to work collaboratively with you to develop customised solutions that fit your budgets and objectives.


A good MSP should have a track record of reliability and stability, with a strong reputation and positive reviews from clients. Oftentimes, you will find this listed on their website or socials, such as testimonial quotes or videos, but make sure to check out review sites like Google and CloudTango, or even read through the comments on their socials, as well as through forums like Reddit and Quora. You might even want to read through employee reviews on Seek as this can give you an indication of how the business runs, like whether they are understaffed and taking on too many clients, meaning your company may not receive the level of service you require. 

Cyber Security

More and more companies are realising the importance of Cyber Security, so when looking to switch MSPs, make sure the provider has the practical expertise in Cyber Security and the necessary technology stacks. Traditional security such as antivirus, firewall and monitoring are just not enough when it comes to Cyber Security. If an attack occurs, Cyber Security, such as browser isolation technology, can isolate the threat within half an hour of detection into a secure computer or network, preventing it from accessing the rest of your systems. This technology is incredibly efficient so make sure the IT service provider you’re looking into has this type of technology in its systems.

Questions to ask when contacting MSPs

When searching for a managed service provider, small and medium-sized enterprises should consider asking variations of the following questions, based on the factors listed above, to make sure they are suitable for your business:

  • What services do you offer? It’s important to understand the MSP’s core offerings and whether they align with your business needs. For example, if you need help with Cyber Security or cloud computing, you’ll want to find an MSP with expertise in those areas.
  • What is your pricing structure? Make sure you understand the MSP’s pricing model, including any additional fees or charges that may apply. Ask if there are any discounts or package deals available based on your specific needs.
  • What is your level of experience? Find out how long the MSP has been in business and what types of clients they have worked with in the past. You may also want to ask about their certifications or other credentials that demonstrate their level of expertise. Other than this, ask if they have experience in or exposure to your line of business (LOB) application/s, i.e. SAP, Sage or Microsoft Dynamics.
  • How do you handle security and data privacy? Cyber Security is a major concern for SMEs, so it’s important to ask about the MSP’s approach to security and data privacy. Find out what measures they take to protect your data and what protocols are in place in case of a security breach.
  • What is your response time for support requests? Make sure you understand the MSP’s response time for support requests and whether they offer 24/7 support. Many smaller MSPs don’t offer 24/7 support as it’s often not needed, but if you operate internationally, you might need this. Ask about their escalation procedures in case of an emergency.
  • What is your onboarding process? Ask about the MSP’s onboarding process and what steps they take to get to know your business and its unique IT needs. This can help ensure a smoother transition and better service in the long run. Also, ask them if you will be the middleman between the old and new providers or if they deal directly with the old MSP to get passwords and access to systems.
  • Can you provide references or case studies? You might want to ask the MSP for references or case studies from past clients. This can give you a better sense of their level of service and expertise and help you make a more informed decision. MSPs often have this on their website, but if not, see if they’re willing to give you references.
  • Do you have any service level agreements in place? This will often happen when signing on with the provider and details expectations in your partnership. This allows you to hold the MSP accountable and ensures they take ownership of their work as they’ve agreed to it in advance.
  • Does you outsource your support to overseas call centres? We’ve found speaking that English alone is not enough, the people you are speaking to need to have familiarities with your local culture and local knowledge, such as with nbn and local terminology.
  • Can the technical staff that I will be dealing with speak in layman’s terms? You may have experienced the frustration of dealing with a technical person who speaks technical jargon and with technical terms that go way over your head. Sometimes it can seem as though they are talking down to you, even though they don’t mean to, so double-check that the MSP’s technical staff are approachable and can ‘dumb down’ issues to you.
  • Do you offer any backup and disaster recovery services? Data backup and recovery solutions are critical to ensure your business’ continuity in the event of data loss, hardware failure, natural disaster or cyberattacks. Also ask where they keep the backups, whether it’s a combination of on-premise and cloud backup or just one of the two.
  • What reporting and monitoring capabilities do you have? An MSP has access to your company’s data and should remotely monitor, update and manage your services while reporting on quality and performance of the service. While this is standard among MSPs, double-check with the one you’re receiving a proposal from to see how they are monitoring your data and whether they can proactively stop future problems from happening.

Finally, it’s incredibly important to discuss the list of problems and frustrations you currently have with the provider you’re looking at working with to see what solutions they have for you.

These questions will help you understand the MSP’s capabilities, experience, and approach to customer service. It’s important to choose an MSP that meets your specific needs and can provide the support and services necessary to help your business succeed.

Overall, choosing a good MSP is critical for businesses to ensure that their IT systems are optimised and managed effectively and efficiently. Costing is often one of the last considerations, as long as you see value for your money. Therefore, businesses should evaluate potential MSPs based on these factors to ensure that they choose a provider that meets their needs and expectations.

How to find a good MSP for me?

How to find a good MSP for me?

While as a business owner or decision-maker in your business, you might not have the time to conduct thorough research on Managed Service providers (MSPs) near you, it’s a good idea that someone does, and does it thoroughly, as this is a company that will be maintaining your IT systems and working with you for years to come.

You’re going to want to know exactly who you’re working with, such as their service and their features, as well as how these features benefit you.

When passing on the task to someone, make sure you give them a list of exactly what you’re after, whether that be working with local providers only, whether you need 24/7 support and whether they are knowledgeable in the systems you use to run your business.

From there, you’re going to want to find out what sets them apart from others. This might not be any specific feature, as MSPs generally offer the same package, but there will often be something. Keep in mind that there are features that some providers will advertise boldly that all MSPs have, such as that they’re Microsoft Certified. Some will also feature an ‘award’ on their homepage, but this often isn’t a nationally given award, simply one given by someone or a business in the industry who has done a thorough review of all MSAs. They’re a good indication it’s a great MSP, but keep in mind that it’s generally not a regulated award.

A feature that might separate an MSP from others could be that they specialise in Cyber Security, as many MSPs only have limited Cyber Security measures in place and require your business to work with a separate company for those issues. Security and Cyber Security are two separate topics and many businesses confuse them as the same. Security mainly focuses on virus protection and firewalls, whereas Cyber Security digs deeper with Two-Factor Authentication and surveillance systems, among other things. With Cyber Security constantly evolving, your business must be up-to-date on the latest trends and practices in the field.  

It’s also important that the MSP you’re searching for is knowledgeable in your industry and your systems. While they won’t be experts in your systems, such as in SAP or Microsoft Dynamics, they should be familiar with them so that they can be the middle-man between the vendor and your company when something goes wrong with the system. You cannot expect the MSP to configure the entire system to your business though, that’s the role of the software vendor and, unfortunately, an expensive role. The MSP should be used to working with clients of your size too, as working with a large MSP as a smaller business, you might find that you’re pushed aside in favour of their larger, more profitable clients.

Market Research

Once you know what you want from an MSP, it’s time to do some market research.

During a conversation with a client, we started talking about how to find a company that you can trust and they said:

“Like most things, you go by recommendation. That’s always the first one. So, if you can’t go by recommendation, then you want to go by, ‘Who’s this company dealing with and what are they saying?’”

If you’re recommended an MSP, that’s always a great start, but when you’re not, it’s hard to find out who to trust, especially with possible fake reviews online. That being said, the place to start with is reviews as you can generally tell through reading when a review has been manufactured. Read what you can find on Google and CloudTango and then read through the company’s reviews and comments on their social media pages like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. An MSP will often have case studies or client reviews on its website to give proof of its track record too, so the clients can give you an understanding of what to expect. If you like, feel free to give the company a call to learn about their experience with the MSP.

Join Facebook, Reddit and Discord groups to see what people are saying about the MSP as well as who they are recommending in your area. While not always the case when it comes to business, many people don’t let their full opinions known about a product or service. It’s only when they’re anonymous or feeling comfortable that they can reveal their deeper inconveniences or desires, so browsing forum groups will often tell you these opinions. Even search on Quora or read through blog posts about the pros and cons of certain MSPs so that you’re adequately informed before you make your decision. 

Contact MSPs

Once you have settled on a few MSPs to sit down with, you should have a list of questions to ask them that will help you narrow down your choice. We’ve written an article about questions to ask when switching IT service providers, so have a read of that to get an idea of some questions. Find the article here. The post also details what to look for when searching for an MSP, such as responsiveness, proactivity and communication.

We hope this has given you an understanding of where to start when searching for an MSP for your business. It can be an incredibly daunting and frustrating process, as well as one that you probably don’t have time for. By now, though, you should know why it’s crucial to have a good MSP working with your business because as your business grows, so does your IT, and that IT needs to be managed efficiently. Feel free to read through the other blog posts on our website to learn of the risks posed to your business if your systems are not managed sufficiently as that might be just the push you need to get started in your search.  

What is an MSP and do I need one?

What is an MSP and do I need one?

A Managed Service Provider is the partner you need for all your IT system needs.

When your business starts to grow, so does your information technology (IT) usage. Databases, documents, customer accounts, websites, the list is extensive and as a business owner myself, I know the feeling of not needing the added stress of figuring out what’s gone wrong with the company’s IT system when there are a multitude of other issues and jobs to work on.

To help with these issues, an IT infrastructure upgrade is worth looking into and what’s more, it might be due time to outsource the infrastructure altogether to a third-party company.

One of the ways to do this is through a Managed Service Provider, or an MSP. An MSP is a third-party company that provides IT services and support to businesses on a proactive basis, typically through a subscription-based model. MSPs offer a wide range of services, including network management, data backup and recovery, cybersecurity, cloud computing and help desk support. This means that you and your employees can continue about your day-to-day business requirements without needing to worry if something has gone wrong or, if it has, you can be rest assured that the issues will be resolved without damaging your business.

How do they work?

An MSP should work with your business to meet your IT needs. While it may seem like a risk that they have access to your system and data, it’s what they need to be able to ensure your systems run smoothly and stays secure so you can focus on the your actual role, managing your business. They can help oversee services like email, cybersecurity, your networks, data storage and cloud integration, software updates and updating old technology as well as giving you a virtual Chief Information Officer (CIO) to help steer your IT in the right direction and, ultimately, giving you the confidence you really need out of your technology.

Each MSP has different services and works with different size clients, so it’s good to do your research before signing a contract with one but, other than the reduced stress and worries about your IT operation, there are many other features and benefits of getting a professional and knowledgeable team to handle all your systems for you.


There are many features that all MSPs will, or should, have that you will see when you’re researching. Here’s a few to get you started for your research:


Do you hate calling your IT help desk? Oftentimes, in retail stores, their help desk support is based overseas where the line might be crackling and you can barely hear and understand them, where they don’t understand what you mean as you’re not very technically inclined, you’re on hold for what feels like hours while there’s back and forth trying to explain what the situation is and on top of that, they can’t come out and fix your issue immediately as they’re the middle man and have to issue a ticket for someone to come out, whenever that may be.

A local MSP, on the other hand, allows you to receive immediate and responsive assistance when dealing with day-to-day technical issues and when an unforeseen event or cyberattack hits your business, you’re secure in the knowledge that your MSP have it under control with minimal drop in employee or company productivity, one of the major concerns in running a business.

Pronet Technology, for example, has an emergency 30-minute guaranteed response time, meaning you can get in-touch with experts within minutes of your issue occurring, while its Managed IT Services are designed to detect and solve most IT issues before they become a problem, meaning you will hardly ever require emergency assistance. Click here to see Pronet’s average response times for the last 30 days.


I can safely say that most of us know how distressing it is to know you’ve lost a file that you’ve been working on for hours or even days. It’s incredibly frustrating clicking back into it and realising you either didn’t save it properly, it became corrupted or it’s somehow been deleted. For that reason, many of us now constantly back up our documents and data, but what about on a larger scale for your business?

Working with an MSP ensures your business is protected during a disaster, whether it be a data breach, a server crash, a fire or even someone internally jeopardising, accidently or purposefully, your business. They will regularly create quality-assured data backups, meaning you have recovery solutions for your data during disaster so that your client records, marketing resources, photos, accounting records, intellectual property and communication correspondences are all safe and your business can continue running smoothly.


Cloud services allow your business to stop running your IT in-house, improves reliability and simplifies your IT, allows you to take control of your IT costs, allows you to work from any device, at home, in the office or overseas, allows for file sharing and, among other things, allows you to better control what users and employees can see and do.


Not many MSPs include fully integrated cyber security practice in their plans, with you often having to work with a separate company. Some companies, like Pronet Technology, however, do and will closely monitor your network and systems to ensure everything is running smoothly and if they do pick up something, they will be proactive in fixing the issue so that there is no delay and interruptions in the day-to-day, or long-term function, of your business. Cyber security enhancement is much more than virus protection and firewall configuration and management, so if you’re working with an MSP already, double check whether this is included.


What we’ve just discussed are features, but what are the benefits to your small or medium-sized business in working with an MSP?


MSPs can provide IT services at a lower cost than hiring and training in-house IT staff. MSPs also offer predictable, subscription-based pricing, whether that be monthly or yearly, or fixed or flexible plans, that can help businesses manage their IT costs more effectively. As a small or medium-sized enterprise owner or manager and reducing costs are a major role of your position, this is where an MSP can be incredibly valuable.


Rather than having one or multiple in-house IT managers, this full-time team is within the MSP who are IT professionals with specialized skills and experience that can provide a range of IT services and support. When needed, they can provide information to you and explain new technology and concepts so you’re onboard everything that is happening in your business. If you already have an MSP, ensure you’re contacting them when needed to ask any questions that might be bothering you. MSPs also have access to advanced tools and technologies that may be too expensive for SMEs to acquire on their own. You can even loan equipment from MSPs if you need.


This feature is also a benefit as MSPs can monitor and maintain IT systems on a proactive basis, identifying and addressing potential issues before they become major problems. This can help prevent downtime, improve system performance, and reduce the risk of security breaches. For business executives in risk-reduction management, this is where your investments pay off. Once again, if you are already working with an MSP, ensure they are keeping up-to-date with new technology and software as cyber attacks evolve.


MSPs can provide IT services that scale up or down based on a business’s changing needs. This can help businesses manage their IT resources more effectively and respond quickly to changing market conditions. As your business grows, so does your IT, so your MSP will create a plan with you so you’re both in understanding and agreement about the changes coming in the future.

Should small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) partner with an MSP?

As shown, MSPs can benefit businesses of all sizes, especially SMEs that may not have the resources or expertise to manage their IT infrastructure in-house. It is due to this that MSPs can provide immense value to businesses in all sectors and is something executives should be looking at investing in, especially since risk management is a major aspect of their positions.

If your business is already working with an MSP, take some time to re-evaluate whether you are receiving the service your business requires and, if not, it might be time to switch providers.

Overall, working with an MSP can help businesses improve their IT infrastructure and operations while reducing costs and improving efficiency.

The 10 Disaster Planning Essentials For Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises

The 10 Disaster Planning Essentials For Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises

If your data is important to your SME and you can’t afford to have your business halted for days, or even weeks, due to data loss or corruption, then you need to read this report and act on the information shared. A disaster can happen at any time and is likely to occur at the most inconvenient time. If you aren’t already prepared, you run the risk of having the disaster occurring before you have a plan in to handle it. This post outlines 10 things you, as a business owner of, say, 20 to 80 computers, should have in place to make sure your business is up and running again in the event of something going wrong.

Have a written plan

As simple as it may sound, just thinking through in advance about what needs to happen if your server has a meltdown or a natural disaster wipes out your office, will go a long way in getting your business back up and running fast. At a minimum, the plan should contain details on what risks could happen and a step-by-step process of what to do, who should do it and how. Also include contact information for various providers and username and password information for various key websites.

Writing this plan will also allow you to think about what you need to budget for backup, maintenance and disaster recovery. If you can’t afford to have your network down for more than a few hours, then you need a plan that you can follow so that you can get back up and running within that time frame. You may want the ability to virtualise your server, essentially allowing the office to run off of the virtualised server while the real server is repaired. If you can afford to be down for a couple of days, there are cheaper options. Once written, print out some copies to store in a fireproof safe, off-site at your home and with your IT consultant.

Hire a trusted professional to help you

Trying to recover your data after a disaster without professional help is business suicide; one misstep during the recovery process can result in forever losing your data or result in weeks of downtime. Make sure you work with someone who has experience in both setting up business contingency plans (so you have a good framework from which you can restore your network) and experience in data recovery. If you have a Managed Service Provider, an MSP, ensure they have experience in these areas.

Have a communications plan

If something should happen where employees couldn’t access your office, e-mail or use the phones, how should they communicate with you? Make sure your plan includes this information including multiple communications methods.

Automate your backups

If backing up your data depends on a human being doing something, it’s flawed. The #1 cause of data loss is human error, such as people not swapping out tapes properly, someone not setting up the backup to run properly, etc. Always automate your backups so they run like clockwork.

Have an offsite backup of your data

Always, always, always maintain a recent copy of your data off-site, on a different server or on a storage device. Onsite backups are good, but they won’t help you if they get stolen, flooded, burned or hacked along with your server.

Have remote access and management of your network

Not only will this allow you and your staff to keep working if you can’t go into your office, but you’ll love the convenience it offers. Plus, your IT staff or an IT consultant like an MSP should be able to access your network remotely in the event of an emergency or for routine maintenance. Make sure they can.

Image your server

Having a copy of your data off-site is good, but keep in mind that all that information has to be restored someplace to be of any use. If you don’t have all the software disks and licenses, it could take days to reinstate your applications, like Microsoft Office, your database, accounting software, etc., even though your data may be readily available. Imaging your server is similar to making an exact replica; that replica can then be directly copied to another server saving an enormous amount of time and money in getting your network back. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about losing your preferences, configurations or favourites. To find out more about this type of backup, ask your IT professional.

Network documentation

Network documentation is simply a blueprint of the software, data, systems and hardware you have in your company’s network. Your IT manager or IT service provider should put this together for you. This will make the job of restoring your network faster, easier and cheaper. It also speeds up the process of everyday repairs on your network since the technicians don’t have to spend time figuring out where things are located and how they are configured. Finally, should disaster strike, you have documentation for insurance claims of exactly what you lost. Again, have your IT professional document this and keep a printed copy with your disaster recovery plan.

Maintain Your System

One of the most important ways to reduce risk to your business is by maintaining the security of your network. While fires, floods, theft and natural disasters are certainly a threat, you are much more likely to experience downtime and data loss due to a virus, worm or hacker attack. That’s why it’s critical to keep your network patched, secure and up-to-date. Additionally, monitor hardware for deterioration and software for corruption. This is another overlooked threat that can wipe you out. Make sure you replace or repair aging software or hardware to avoid this problem.

Test, test, test!

A study conducted in October 2007 by Forrester Research and the Disaster Recovery Journal found that 50 per cent of companies test their disaster recovery plan just once a year, while 14 per cent never test. If you are going to go through the trouble of setting up a plan, then at least hire an IT pro to run a test once a month to make sure your backups are working and your system is secure. After all, the worst time to test your parachute is after you’ve jumped out of the plane.

Want help in implementing these 10 essentials? Call us on the number above to discuss how we can tailor a plan that suits your individual business needs.

Critical Steps to Safely Change IT Service Providers

Changing IT providers can be a daunting task. It might seem impossible when they are so heavily integrated into business operations. Unfortunately, you’re here for a reason though… and after one too many computer problems, it might be time to change.

Lucky for you, changing IT providers is nowhere near as complicated as it used to be. Believe it or not, when changing service providers, they’ll do all the heavy lifting for you, seriously! But it doesn’t hurt to be proactive and 100% guarantee the right fit before pulling the trigger.

Here are 4 steps I highly recommend you take to change IT service providers safely. So you don’t find yourself in the same predicament again.

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1. Document All the Problems… and Positives

It’s essential that if decide to pull the plug, you know the exact reason why. In the lead up make sure you are taking notes of every issue that arises and how it’s negatively affecting your business.

Having these documented will help you ask the right questions when talking to providers. Ultimately these are the key issues you want to raise, if not, you may be met with some nasty surprises after all the effort of changing providers.

It’s just as important to highlight things that your provider does well. While they might do more bad than good, it’s important you don’t stop receiving the services that you did find helpful. Asking the right questions will ensure a new provider will continue doing the things you like and rectify issues you weren’t fond of.

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2. Ensure a Good Fit (Obviously)

With the reliance on technology, IT providers are more integrated into businesses than ever before. When looking for a new company it’s important to consider aspects aside from their technical ability. You must clearly define your business goals, company culture, and values.

These IT experts will be interacting with your business and employees on a daily basis. It’s important they are willing to integrate seamlessly. This may be the cause for future conflict when both parties butt heads and don’t see eye to eye.

If the new provider isn’t on the same page in terms of your business goals it may cause further confrontation. If an MSP is continuously suggesting ideas that go against your business values, it will cause more frustration than intended.

That’s why it’s important to evaluate whether the new provider will be a good fit on all company levels. Make sure they get to know you’re business so you both can properly assess whether it is the right fit.

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3. A Transition Plan is Key

Having a plan of transition is a crucial step in ensuring a safe changeover. Make sure your new IT provider outlines how it will take over your systems with minimal interruption.

In the transition plan, your new IT provider needs to outline the different stages. The transition timeline, the tools and systems involved, and how the process will be implemented are all important parts. It’s important to discuss this because when the time comes you don’t want to be faced with any unexpected downtime.

Delays in switching IT plans can be costly to your business. Your new IT provider must understand the importance of a good transition plan and place a high emphasis on one. If not, it could mean they aren’t taking your business seriously.

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4. Be the Bearer of Bad News

Breaking up with your IT service provider can be difficult, but it’s important to be honest and give them enough notice. In this situation, the earlier the better.

It may be a hard pill for them to swallow, but with enough time to sit on the decision, come time to change they should be accepting. To be extra careful, before ending your contract check the notice period or exit clause.

It’s also helpful to introduce your new provider to your current one and conduct a meeting to ensure a smooth transition. Keeping things on good terms is important. Your current provider has key information about your systems that is necessary to pass on to the new provider.

Your current tech limitations and any hang-ups on your infrastructure are important points. Make sure to clarify as this information is crucial to making the transition process seamless.

Keep in mind that your current provider may not cooperate fully, if that’s the case, make sure your new IT provider has a plan in place so this doesn’t affect the transition timeline.

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You’ve got this!

Hopefully, these critical steps in changing IT service providers have given you an extra boost in confidence. It’s your business suffering and the quicker something gets done, the quicker you’ll start seeing the benefits.

If you have concerns I assure you it’s nothing new to an IT provider. So be honest, and open, and I assure you they’ll be able to help in ways that make you wonder why you worried in the first place.

Good luck and happy hunting!