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Pronet Technology's


To get your IT under control

    • STOP constant computer problems
    • STOP unplanned system downtime
    • STOP fixing problems again & again

    How we get your IT under control with our 30-DAY Action Plan

    STAGE ONE: 15-Minute phone call to kick start the process

    We kick-start the process with a 15-minute chat where we get to know your business and its unique IT requirements over the phone. We help you understand your options moving forward and ensure the process is right for you.

    And if we need more time to discuss your requirements, we're more than happy to come out to meet you - free of charge.

    STAGE TWO: Complete assessment of your IT systems

    We run a complete assessment of your systems, creating a snapshot of your current setup and identifying key issues that need to be addressed. We also take the time to document everything and store it safely in our knowledge base for our whole team to easily access.

    STAGE THREE: Complete IT security lockdown

    We lock down your systems, implementing critical network security, effective virus protection and increasing critical defence against more modern, fast paced threats such as ransomware. (P.S. Heard us on the radio? Let us know where you heard us and get LIFETIME Ransomware Protection for your business)

    STAGE FOUR: Fortify & strengthen backup & data protection

    Your data is absolutely critical to your business. In our experience however, most small to medium size organisations do not have sufficient backup and data protection in place. Because we understand the importance of protecting your data, we make it a top priority in our process. We make sure all your backups are working, fully restorable and most importantly, reliable when it counts.

    We also assess your backups for Disaster Recovery (DR) readiness. Traditional backups are great at backing up data but if your server were to completely die - unless your backups are DR capable - it often takes several days to recover. We work with you to make sure your backups are DR capable & implement any changes you may need so you can have 100% confidence that when disaster does strike, you can continue running your business almost immediately.

    STAGE FIVE: Resolving critical system issues

    We isolate and address all key issues identified during the system assessment, tracing problems back to the core to ensure 100% resolution from day one.

    STAGE SIX: Monitoring outcome & looking for possible improvements

    After actioning on key issues (above), we monitor your systems for minimum 30 days to ensure everything is running as it should be. We also take this opportunity to identify any possible changes that could further improve your systems & maybe even help streamline some of your business processes.

    STAGE SEVEN: Rolling out all necessary improvements

    Once we identify further improvements, we work with you to prioritise whats important to implement now and whats not. We then proceed to implement all agreed upon improvements, as efficiently and non-disruptively as possible.

    STAGE EIGHT: Ongoing monitoring, management & support

    With your systems now secure, backup & data protection now in check and everything running smoothly, we begin providing ongoing management & support. We become your one-touch IT people, looking after all your day-to-day support, proactively monitoring & maintaining your systems, procuring any software or hardware you may need at wholesale prices... we can even work with any third party vendors on your behalf to take the burden off your hands. For ongoing support, we can tailor a solution to custom fit your needs.

    15-minutes is all it takes to get started

    Book a 15-Minute phone call to kick start the process, get your IT back on track with our 30-DAY ACTION PLAN

    Who we are & how we help

    Pronet started out over 20 years ago, servicing a number of large organisations such as government departments, airlines and the department of defence with their complex IT requirements. For founder Nick Cheung however, this was not enough. He wanted to make a difference through technology where it would really count – helping small and medium size businesses get the most out of their technology and compete with the bigger guys.

    Since then, we’ve grown into a complete IT services provider – managing & supporting many small to medium size organisations across Melbourne & interstate. Our focus is building highly valuable business-to-business relationships, working only with organisations we know 100% we will be able to deliver the best possible results & ongoing value.

    With robust experience across many industries, vast technical knowledge & process-driven service quality, we are known for the professional quality of our services & the stability of our staff - who are second to none.

    We're the small to medium business IT specialists

    We're passionate about helping small to medium size organisations. We pride ourselves on our exclusive knowledge and dedicated experience with SMB organisations and have a unique understanding of the requirements, challenges and limitations you may face. Our best interest is working closely with our clients to meet all their IT needs on an ongoing basis.

    One-touch managed IT services

    All our clients rest in full trust they can rely on Pronet as their one-touch IT people, no matter what issue they may be facing. We can look after every single aspect of your IT, whether it be day-to-day support, proactive monitoring, server maintenance, onsite support, cloud services, equipment procurement, software purchasing or internet/telephony connectivity. We even work with third party vendors on your behalf - to entirely take the burden off you. So no matter what, it only takes a one-touch phone call to get IT issues sorted.

    Moving businesses to the cloud is our specialty

    One of our core specialties at Pronet is helping our clients move their business to the cloud. Our team have a wealth of experience in cloud implementation & have helped many clients migrate their file servers, emails, line-of-business applications & much more to cloud based solutions. We can help you migrate to any number of popular cloud solutions such Office 365, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure & Microsoft SharePoint. And if you require absolute control, reliability and security, we can even migrate you to our own purpose built cloud data-centre.

    Cloud-FS, Pronet's own cloud file sharing system for SMB

    Designed from the ground up to suit small to medium size organisations, Cloud-FS (Cloud File Storage) enables businesses to move part or all of their file servers to the cloud. With complete scalability, file access from anywhere, advanced user control, powerful file sharing capabilities and your data physically stored in Australia - Cloud-FS lets you do away with complex and costly file server hardware for good. (Curious about cloud & Cloud-FS? Click here to learn even more about our cloud solutions)

    We're as flexible & agile as you need us to be

    We understand not all businesses are the same and not all technology is appropriate. One of our core philosophies at Pronet is to ensure only the most appropriate technologies are applied for our clients. This can mean working with existing technology (including legacy solutions) or suggesting alternative technologies which may suit your business better than your existing solution. We also make a point of never saying no to ideas. We won't say "impossible" if you need something to be done, we'll find a way to make it work regardless how challenging or outside the box it may seem to be.

    Case Studies

    Saxton Speakers Bureau

    • The Challenge
    • Our Solution
    • The Results
    • Watch Video Testimonial

    Russell & the team at Saxton Speakers Bureau had been dealing with various ongoing computer frustrations for over 2 years. Their previous IT firm would send people in and out, over & over again – but never fix the problems at hand.

    Saxton felt secondary to the firms larger clients – they started out with great service years ago but recently their response times were getting worse & technical ability was slipping as more new faces came in to try & fix problems, who simply didn't know their systems well enough.

    Hear it straight from our happy customers

    Have a listen to what our some of our happy customers have to say about us! Some of our top feedback includes:

    • Better level of service than 100+ IT staff departments!
    • Fixing problems even if they're above our weight or above whats in the contract
    • Always reliable service & great staff consistency

    Request Your 15-Minute Kick-starter Call

    Leave us your details and we'll get right back to you!

    (OPTIONAL) To help get the most out of your 15-Minutes, let us know a little more about your IT situation in the optional section below.

      Heard us on the radio? Let us know what station you heard us on and get FREE Lifetime Ransomware Protection with Pronet Managed Services. (Terms & conditions apply, speak to your Pronet consultant for details)

      Fox FMGold FM3AWTriple M1116 SEN

      OPTIONAL | Let us know a little more about your IT situation

      In the past 12 months:

      I have had my server go down at least one time


      I have lost or had to restore data due to Ransomware encryption


      I have been unable to work due to problems with my business critical applications


      I have lost files due to my backup systems not working properly


      I have had virus/spyware/malware infections on my systems


      During day to day business I experience:

      Frequently slow running systems


      Very slow internet and constant internet issues


      Regular email issues (i.e. Unable to send/receive emails)


      Frequent printing/network issues


      Regular spam emails coming through


      Other aspects of your IT:

      Do you need support for legacy software/systems? (Eg. DOS & other end of life applications)


      I feel my current IT people are not responding quickly enough, impacting my business


      How confident are you in your current backup solution?

      VeryNot SureNot At All

      How heavily do you rely on your IT systems?

      Which Line of Business Applications do you currently use from day to day?

      Other problems you're experiencing or further information you'd like us to know?

      For over 20 years, Pronet has dedicated itself to providing top quality IT support services to small and medium businesses across Australia. We have invested substantially in our own IT systems to be able to provide enterprise standards of service for all your day-to-day support needs and so much more.

      Pronet Technology © 2016 | Privacy Policy

      WARNING: Telemarketers have been posing as Pronet & calling individuals/organisations to sell
      website and domain hosting services.
      Pronet Technology ensures that we DO NOT contact businesses or individuals to offer these products.                                  
      If this has happened to you we apologise and encourage you to email info@pronet.com.au so we can prevent the issue.
